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Preparing New Study Programs, FE UNY Visited FPEB UPI

A team of lecturers from the Faculty of Economics (FE) UNY visited the Faculty of Economics and Business Education (FPEB) UPI, Friday (5/8). The team led by the Dean, Dr. Siswanto, consists of seventeen lecturers. As stated in his opening remarks, Siswanto emphasized that this visit was intended to learn about the various steps taken by FPEB UPI in managing the faculty and at the study program level. In addition, this visit was also a return visit after previously the FPEB UPI delegation also visited FE UNY.
The Dean of FPEB, Prof. Dr. H. Eeng Asman, M.S., stated that FPEB UPI is still developing and seeking to improve its reputation. "Soon, international accreditation will be carried out. Physically, a new building is also being built to function as a service and lecture center," he explained.
While the UPI Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Vanessa Gaffar, M.B.A., explained that several international collaboration students are taking Double Degree either at the undergraduate or master's level.
On this occasion, the FE UNY team sent a team assigned to develop a new study program. "Therefore, it is certainly important for us to learn various tips and what considerations we need to take before opening this new program later," said Dr. Denies Priantinah, the Proposal Coordinator for the Master of Accounting Study Program.
After the sharing session, the FE UNY lecturers visited several supporting facilities for academic activities owned by FPEB UPI, such as FPEB Digital Space EX (Economics and Digital Business Laboratory) and Smart Classroom. This visit is an effort of FE UNY to continue improving the quality of education and one of the preparations for FE UNY before proposing the opening of new study programs, namely S3 Economics Education and Masters in Accounting. (fdhl-ed:ekki)

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