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Sunarta Earns Doctoral Degree in Economics

UNY Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Lecturer, Dr. Sunarta, M.M., M.Pd., CPMP earned his doctorate after defending his dissertation in front of the board of examiners in the field of Economics at FBE UII, last Tuesday (3/1). Sunarta presented his dissertation entitled "Antecedents and Consequences of Job Satisfaction in Reviewing Aspects of Psychological Contract Violations" with Prof. Dr. Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono, Co-Promoter I Prof. Dr. Muafi, and Co-Promoter II Dr. Wisnu Prajogo. This dissertation was successfully defended before the board of examiners, namely Prof. Dr. Widodo, Dr. Zainal Mustafa Elqodri, and John Suprihanto, MIM, Ph.D.
Sunarta stated, in an organization, the arrangement of work relations between employees and the organization often does not only involve transactional and formal aspects but also is relational and formal.
In general, civil servants (PNS) will continue to work well even though they may receive unfair treatment from the organization. "Most civil servants, in receiving their basic rights, tend to be as is, nrima ing pandhum (-in Javanese)," said Sunarta.
This was reinforced by UII psychologist, Sus Budiharto, who stated that civil servants were more afraid of formal-written rules and procedures than simply fighting for or questioning promises that had been made by the organization.
The Management Department lecturer concluded that a fair working relationship, both formal-transactional and informal-relational, is needed to achieve employee job satisfaction and to control counterproductive behavior such as procrastination. Organizational justice is not only related to rewards or contributions that are distributed fairly, but also the importance of fair procedures and interactions. (fdhl-KR-ed:ekky)

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