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Pengumuman Pengambilan KTM Mahasiswa Angkatan 2010 Reguler - BNI
Submitted by bobtio on Tue, 04/10/2011 - 13:41
Mahasiswa Reguler Angkatan Tahun 2010 dimohon mengambil KTM (Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa) di BNI Cabang UNY di Jl. Afandi (Gejayan).
Jadwal Pengambilan KTM BNI Angkatan 2010
12 - 16 September : FBS & FIK
19 - 23 September : FISE & FMIPA
26 - 30 September : FT & FIP
Harus membawa Kwitansi pembayaran terakhir dan kartu identitas (yang dilengkapi dengan foto) yang masih berlaku.
Faculties, Graduate School, and Directorates
- Faculty of Education and Psychology
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- Faculty of Languages, Arts, and Cultures
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Law, and Political Science
- Faculty of Health and Sports Science
- Faculty of Vocational
- Graduate School
- Directorate of Quality Assurance
- Directorate of Researches and Community Services
Contact Us
Faculty of Economics and Business - Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
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Postal Code: 55281
Phone: +62274554902.
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