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Accounting Study Program Field Assessment: Need to Increase Lecturers' Involvement in Academic Activities

The Accounting Study Program of FE UNY received a visit from assessors from LAMEMBA (Independent Accreditation Institute for Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting) from Thursday to Friday (8-9/9). LAMEMBA assigned Prof. Dr. Hariyati, Ak., M.Si., CA., CMA from Universitas Negeri Surabaya and Dr. Sylvia Fettry Elvira Maratno, S.E., S.H., M.Si., Ak., CA. from Universitas Katholik Parahyangan. Prior to this, the S1 Accounting study program had been accredited "A" by BAN-PT (National Accreditation Board-University) and expired in August. Therefore, it is certainly an obligation to re-verify this accreditation. The two assessors were accepted in the Auditorium FE UNY by the faculty board, Head of the Accounting Education Department Ani Widayati, M.Pd., Ed.D., Coordinator of the Accounting Study Program (korprodi) Dr. Denies Priantinah, M.Sc., Ak., CA., Taskforce team leader Mahendra Adhi Nugroho, M.Sc., Ph.D., and the FE UNY Quality Assurance team.
Hariyati expressed her gratitude for the special welcome by UNY and FE UNY. "For 2 days, LAMEMBA sent us to clarify the data. We hope that we can obtain holistic information. Earlier we also received information from the Rector, but the detailed information is of course at the study program and faculty level," explained Hariyati.
Dean of FE UNY Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd., said that FE UNY, established in 2011, is the youngest faculty at UNY. "The average student achievement is 112 people per year, the average GPA is 3.56, and the average study period is 4.1 years for the Bachelor of Accounting study program. We are also still trying to improve cooperation with foreign universities in joint research," explained Siswanto in his remarks.
Sylvia as the second assessor stated that in general the FE UNY and the S1 Accounting study program had been going well according to the verification of data. "SPMI (Internal Quality Assurance System-ed) has been running well and its performance can be maintained. This can be taken into consideration for FE UNY for improvement and preparation of various programs in the future," he ordered.
"In addition, the next task is how to increase the role of lecturers in academic and scientific activities, and also how to map the teaching staff so that in the next few years the human resources education level at FE UNY can increase," added Sylvia. (fdhl-ed:lia)

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