Field Assessment from LAMDIK to Economics Education Study Program
Submitted by feb on Wed, 19/10/2022 - 14:50
The Economics Education S1 Study Program underwent a field assessment from the Independent Educational Accreditation Institute (LAMDIK) Friday (30/9) and Saturday (1/10). The Field Assessment was conducted online by two assessors, namely Dr. Dewi Kusuma Wardani, M.Sc. (Universitas Sebelas Maret) and Prof. Dr. Imam Mukhlis, M.Si. (Universitas Negeri Malang). Meanwhile, the Taskforce team for the Economics Education Study Program, chaired by Dr. Kiromim Baroroh together with the lecturers of study programs and accompanied by the head of the faculty welcomed them at the FE UNY Auditorium.
After verifying and clarifying the data, Mukhlis gave his appreciation to the Taskforce team and study programs. "This Field Assessment encourages improvements in institutions. Assessors are tasked with proving, taking notes, then reporting them to LAMDIK. There are many interesting things as a reflection of the process that we carried out during these 2 days, but we want to appreciate the hard work of the Taskforce team over the past few days," he said.
Dewi hopes that the outputs of the research can be downstreamed so that they become potential for expansion of institutional financing autonomy. "The study program teams, departments, and taskforce have worked hard together. This kind of performance must be maintained, especially since FE UNY is also preparing for international accreditation," he added.
Dean of FE UNY Dr. Siswanto expressed his gratitude to the two assessors for their thoroughness and correction in verifying various data. "We have recorded the recommendations and maybe if one day we meet we can report on the improvement or follow-up of the various recommendations. Hopefully, the performance of the study program will increase and become an outstanding study program and an example for other study programs in FE UNY," he explained. (fdhl-ed:lia)