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Business Administration Mentoring and Creative Marketing for Women Farmers Group

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Yogyakarta State University (FEB) carried out community service activities aimed at encouraging economic empowerment at the local level some time ago. The lecturer team from FEB UNY and the Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) UNY consists of Dr. Sutirman, S.Pd., M.Pd., Dr. Kiromim Baroroh, S.Pd., M.Pd., Dr. Ahmad Hafidh Saiful Fikri Hall, SE., M.Sc. and Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma, S.A.B., M.Si.. This activity, which targets women farmer groups (KWT), involves educational staff, namely Dating Sudrajat, S.A.P., and five students at UNY.
The business administration assistance process involves intensive training regarding bookkeeping, preparing financial reports, and inventory management. KWT members learn to optimize their administrative processes so they can manage their business more efficiently. Meanwhile, in creative marketing assistance, the FEB UNY lecturer team guided KWT Dadi Makmur in designing unique and interesting marketing strategies. The use of social media, developing creative promotional materials, and implementing innovative marketing concepts are the main focus in building a positive image for KWT's local products.
Dr. Sutirman, M.Pd as Deputy Dean for Academic, Student Affairs and Alumni FEB UNY who is also the PkM implementing team in his speech emphasized, "This service activity is a form of the university's commitment to supporting local economic development. This program is not just training, but is also a long-term investment in building the capacity and potential of village communities."
In line with this, Dr. Kiromim Baroroh, M.Pd as Chair of the FEB UNY Lecturer Team stated, "This assistance is a stimulus so that the cadres or administrators of KWT Dadi Makmur have good capacity in administrative and technical organizational management so that the existing potential can be developed and the products produced could be more optimal."
KWT member Dadi Makmur also expressed his gratitude to the FEB UNY lecturer team for the guidance they provided. Mrs. Hj. Rumiyati, the Chair of KWT Dadi Makmur said, "This assistance not only helps us increase sales but also gives us the confidence to continue to develop."
With the success of this program, it is hoped that similar empowerment can continue to be implemented to support economic growth and community welfare in Indonesia. (lasmi)

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