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Submitted by feb on Wed, 16/12/2015 - 07:28PENDAFTARAN KKN 2016
Submitted by feb on Wed, 16/12/2015 - 05:04Mekanisme Verval Ijazah (Laman info GTK)
Submitted by feb on Wed, 22/01/2025 - 20:51Terlampir adalah informasi mengenai Mekanisme Verval Ijazah (Laman info GTK).
Panduan PKL PI Magang UNY 2024
Submitted by feb on Wed, 22/01/2025 - 20:46Terlampir adalah Panduang PKL, PI, dan Magang UNY terbitan tahun 2024.
Panduan Ujian Tesis dan Disertasi
Submitted by feb on Fri, 06/12/2024 - 18:15- Panduan Ujian Tesis
- Panduan Ujian Disertasi
Kurikulum Program Studi Akuntansi
Submitted by feb on Tue, 07/11/2023 - 08:51Mata Kuliah Wajib (SKS):
Pendidikan Agama: Pendidikan Agama Islam (3), Pendidikan Agama Katolik (3), Pendidikan Agama Kristen (3), Pendidikan Agama Hindhu (3), Pendidikan Agama Budha (3), Pendidikan Agama Konghucu (3), Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKn) (2), Pancasila (2), Bahasa Indonesia (2), Statistika (3), Bahasa Inggris (2), Kewirausahaan (2), KKN (3).
Mata Kuliah Magang (SKS):
Magang (2)
Pedoman Tata Tertib dan Etika Mahasiswa FEB UNY
Submitted by feb on Wed, 11/10/2023 - 08:18Silakan unduh SK Pedoman Tata Tertib dan Etika Mahasiswa di bawah ini.
FIBAA Accreditation 2023
Submitted by feb on Wed, 04/10/2023 - 15:43FIBAA has accredited 5 study programs, they are:
- Economics Education
- Accounting Education
- Accounting
- Management
- Office Administration Education
Undangan Yudisium Program RPL Periode September 2023
Submitted by feb on Wed, 06/09/2023 - 14:25Pages
Faculties, Graduate School, and Directorates
- Faculty of Education and Psychology
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- Faculty of Languages, Arts, and Cultures
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Law, and Political Science
- Faculty of Health and Sports Science
- Faculty of Vocational
- Graduate School
- Directorate of Quality Assurance
- Directorate of Researches and Community Services
Contact Us
Faculty of Economics and Business - Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Address: Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Postal Code: 55281
Phone: +62274554902.
+6274586168 Ext. 1817, 1812, 1813
Fax: +6274554902, Email:
Instagram: @febunyofficial
Facebook Page: @febunyofficial
Telegram Channel: @febunyofficial
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