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FE Lecturers Provide Parents with Financial Literacy

The problems faced by partner schools so far are Financial Resources (free of charge and relying on donors), Human Resources (relying on volunteers and lack of experts), limited facilities, less optimal curriculum, and lack of partnerships. Therefore, the priority is on improving thinking, reading, and writing skills or other skills needed, more specifically improving Islamic financial literacy and forming/developing a group of people who are economically and socially independent. Thus, the objectives of building economic independence, increasing Islamic financial literacy, increasing the ability to use AR-based educational media, as well as increasing the ability to use educational platforms can be achieved. This was said by the lecturer of Accounting Education FE UNY, Dr. Ratna Candra Sari, M.Sc., C.A, Ak. in Islamic financial literacy PKM activities for parents and teachers.
Ratna said that financial literacy has become a topic that is often discussed everywhere, especially among young people but it is less disseminated among parents and educators. “Financial literacy is one of the emerging skills of the 21st century that all people should have. Meanwhile, based on the data, the Islamic financial literacy index for the Indonesian people is only 8.1%, with a low level of Islamic financial inclusion, which is 11.6%," said Ratna Candra Sari, Friday (14/10). The lack of optimal Islamic financial literacy education is one of the causes of the slowing growth of Islamic finance in Indonesia. Therefore, financial literacy must be provided from an early age to equip the community to face a complex economic environment.
PKBM Al-Islam Giwangan is a non-formal education Pursuing Package B equivalent to SMP/MTs which takes part in raising orphans and underprivileged children and educating the nation's children. The existence of various problems found in PKBM Al-Islam Giwangan made the PKM UNY team move to carry out service, in the form of sharia financial literacy for parents and teachers. The improvement of Islamic financial literacy through PKM activities is driven by the Service Team from lecturers in the Accounting Education Department, Faculty of Economics (FE) UNY chaired by Dr. Ratna Candra Sari, M.Sc., C.A, Ak. with members Arin Pranesti, S.Pd., M.Sc, and Dr. Nurhening Yuniarti, S, Pd., MT. and involving students, namely Novita Nurbaiti, S.Pd., Anis Rinanda, Dana Ferdyana, Astri Mardanik, and Nurani Rosyid. The implementation of community service activities (PKM) includes sharia financial literacy seminars, simulations on the use of sharia financial transactions, and training on the use of financial literacy education media in the form of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) for parents and teachers of PKBM Al-Islam Giwangan.
This community service is one of the pillars of the Tri Dharma Pendidikan Tinggi (Education, Research, and Community Service) and is a teaching obligation that is routinely carried out every year. Chairman of the PKBM Al-Islam Giwangan Fajar Nur Rochmad in his speech at the time of the PKM implementation said that the training held by the Service Team provided benefits for parents and teachers of PKBM Al-Islam Giwangan. “Hopefully the training can improve the financial literacy of teachers. (Moreover) equipped with the practice of using learning media, it is certainly very useful," said Fajar Nur Rochmad. (edit-fdhl/ekki)

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