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Writing Scientific Articles Coaching Clinic for Postgraduate Students in Taiwan

Taiwan is one of the destination countries for Indonesian students to continue their studies. In 2021, there are more than 14,000 students from Indonesia studying in Taiwan, of which around 60% are undergraduate students. The Taiwanese government, in this case, MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology) and MOE (Ministry of Education), offers very large scholarship opportunities for Indonesian students who wish to continue their education in Taiwan, both at undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral levels.
At least around 5,600 people are Masters/S3 students, and one of the requirements for graduating from postgraduate programs at most universities in Taiwan is to write publications in international journals. For doctoral program students, writing publications is a mandatory requirement, while for master's students, this is still optional. Initial observation results show that many universities in Taiwan set quite high publication requirements, namely that they must be in SCI-indexed international journals. This makes it difficult for doctoral program students, especially those from Indonesia. These publication problems result in students' study periods being longer. Many students fail to complete their studies in Taiwan because they cannot fulfill the publication requirements.
This is the basis for carrying out a scientific article-writing coaching clinic for postgraduate students in Taiwan by a service team from UNY headed by Ibnu Siswanto, Ph.D. In an interview with the Siarpedia team, Ibnu explained that the objectives of this manuscript coaching clinic activity are: 1. Providing new insights and improving the abilities of Indonesian students who are currently studying further in Taiwan in terms of writing articles for reputable international journals, especially those related to direct and indirect aspects, and 2) It is a vehicle and opportunity for counseling and sharing for Indonesian students who are studying in Taiwan, especially regarding direct and indirect aspects of writing journal manuscripts.
The activity, which was carried out at the Secretariat of Indonesian Muslim Students at National Central University on 25-26 August 2023, was attended by 25 FORMMIT student members who were studying at National Central University in Masters and Doctoral programs. The lecturers involved in this activity were Achmad Arifin, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Engineering, Penny Rahmawaty, M.Si., and Lina Nur Hidayati, MM from the Faculty of Economics and Business, UNY. There are at least 3 activity participants who are UNY alumni and are currently studying Master at National Central University in the mechanical engineering, chemical, and electrical engineering study programs.
This event is a collaboration between UNY and FORMMIT (Indonesian Muslim Student Forum in Taiwan). FORMMIT is an organization or association of Indonesian students in Taiwan which was founded on March 4, 2006 in the city of Taichung, Taiwan, to become an organization to play a role in building a just and prosperous civil society in Indonesia. This workshop received a good response from NCU students, because they were able to get guidance and input from one of their seniors who had graduated. Apart from receiving various technical guidance on writing articles, the Indonesian students who participated in this training also felt that they learned a lot about how to live daily activities and life in Taiwan. (lina)

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