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Lecturers of FE Help Improving Tourism Village in Community Services

Tourism is one sector that has attractiveness and plays an important role in improving the regional economy. The potential of nature, culture, and creative human resources can provide great benefits for the country and the region. Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning tourism states that tourism development is needed to encourage the equal distribution of business opportunities and gain benefits and be able to face the challenges of changing local, national, and global life (Ethika, 2016). Therefore, the development of soft skills and hard skills of the community in developing the potential of tourist areas is considered very important.
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) through one of the activities of the Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi (Tridharma of Higher Education), namely Community Service, provides support for the development of the tourism sector in Kebonagung Tourism Village, Imogiri, Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY). Previously, through the Holistic Village Development and Empowerment Program (PHP2D) organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, UNY also took part in repairing the Groundisill Park tourist spot belonging to the Kebonagung Tourism Village which was carried out by the Student Executive Board of the Student Families of the Faculty of Economics UNY ( BEM KM FE UNY) in 2021. This time, UNY plans to develop the Javanese Farmers Museum by implementing the E-Museum through the creation of a bilingual website and QR Code. This program is a form of devotion for FE lecturers through DIPA FE UNY funds in 2022 with devotees, namely Dr. Sutirman, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ariadie Chandra Nugraha, S.T.M., M.T., and Rullyana Puspitaningrum Mamengko, S.Pd., M.M. with several students of the Faculty of Economics. In practice, the service team developed the Kebonagung Tourism Village website to add interesting content, included the QR Code for the Java Tani Museum, and optimized features on the Online Travel Agent (OTA) account.
On August 22, 2022, the research team held a Community Service Forum Group Discussion (FGD) as well as Training on Making Tour Packages and Optimizing Online Travel Agent Accounts (OTA) in Kalurahan Kebonagung, Imogiri, Bantul, DIY. The event started with remarks from Sutirman as the head of the community service team, which was then continued by the chairman of the Tourism Awareness Group (POKDARWIS) Kebonagung Yulianto.
The participants received presentations on tour package training materials and registration and management of OTA accounts by Yusup Hendriyanto. The resource person presented the material theoretically and practically, and also tried to carry out two-way communication by inviting participants to discuss the material in the middle of the presentation.
At the FGD, the team also explained the website, its features, and the application of the QR Code. The activity went smoothly and enthusiastically, as seen from the enthusiasm of the participants in listening to the material and discussing in the question and answer session. In addition, participants provided some input to the team regarding the content of the website. The suggestion was well received by the team as input for improving the website.
Before the photo session, this FGD was closed with a closing session by Sutirman. In closing, Sutirman thanked the Kebonagung Village Head for the permission and support given, as well as to all parties who had participated in supporting the implementation of the FGD activities. It is hoped that through the FGD, the community can develop a tourism village marketing strategy through digital media platforms in the form of websites and social media. Tourism village managers are encouraged to enrich tour packages so that they can attract more tourists to visit the Kebonagung Tourism Village. Attractive tour packages will be able to increase the number of visitors and consequently provide an impact on increasing the income of the community and village government. (ed-fadhli/lia&ekky)

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