Kembangkan Kurikulum dan Prodi Baru, FEB UNY Studi Tiru ke Telkom University dan UPI Bandung

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) melakukan kunjungan benchmarking ke Telkom University dan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung pada Kamis (16/5) lalu. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memperkaya pengalaman dan pengetahuan dalam pengembangan kurikulum serta persiapan pembukaan prodi baru di FEB UNY. Pada kunjungan pertama ke Telkom University, delegasi FEB UNY yang terdiri dari 14 orang, termasuk Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik, Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni, Wakil Dekan Bidang Perencanaan Keuangan Umum dan Sumber Daya, tim task force, kepala layanan akademik, dan staf humas, disambut di Ruang Rapat Manterawu Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis Telkom University oleh Wakil Dekan I Fakultas Komunikasi Bisnis Telkom University, Dr. Freddy Yusanto, dan Kaprodi Administrasi Bisnis, Dr. Ahmad Yunani dan beberapa dosen.

Freddy dalam sambutannya menyampaikan, “Telkom University telah menerapkan kurikulum berbasis Outcome-Based Education (OBE), di mana pengujian dilakukan berdasarkan pada hasil belajar yang diinginkan (CLO). Sistem manajemen akademik yang digunakan oleh Telkom University, yakni Igrasias, telah diadaptasi sesuai dengan prinsip OBE, di mana evaluasi dilakukan secara otomatis dan keseluruhan proses asesmen diintegrasikan dalam sistem. Salah satu hal menarik dari OBE adalah absensi ujian tengah semester dan ujian akhir semester, yang digantikan dengan sistem penilaian yang kontinyu," urainya.

Pada kesempatan tersebut, Freddy juga mengumumkan rencana pemindahan Prodi Administrasi Bisnis yang saat ini berada di Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis tahun depan akan pindah ke Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis di Telkom University. 

Sementara itu Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik FEB UNY Dr. Sutirman, M.Pd. dalam sambutannya menyampaikan keinginan untuk belajar bersama dari Telkom University terkait dengan informasi visi, misi, tujuan program studi, capaian pembelajaran dan profil lulusan program studi, struktur mata kuliah, struktur pengelola, fasilitas pembelajaran, strategi pengembangan, serapan lulusan di dunia kerja, dan sistem penjaminan mutu program studi, serta menyampaikan apresiasi atas sambutan hangat yang diterima.

Setelah kunjungan ke Telkom University, rombongan FEB UNY melanjutkan perjalanan ke Fakultas Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (FPEB UPI) Bandung. Disambut oleh Wakil Dekan Bidang Sumber Daya dan Keuangan Dr. Toni Heryana, Kaprodi S1 Pendidikan Bisnis, serta dosen dan staf prodi terkait di FPEB UPI, pertemuan ini menjadi ajang berbagi pengalaman dan pengetahuan antara kedua institusi.

Di UPI Bandung, diskusi berfokus pada pengembangan prodi baru dan peningkatan kualitas pendidikan. Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik, Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni FEB UNY menyampaikan harapan untuk mengintegrasikan Pendidikan Bisnis ke dalam program studi Manajemen, sementara FPEB UPI memberikan informasi mengenai rencana pembukaan prodi baru di tingkat magister dan doktoral serta pencapaian akreditasi prodi yang telah dicapai.

Diskusi dan pemaparan visi dan misi dari masing-masing pihak menjadi momentum penting dalam memperkuat kerjasama lintas perguruan tinggi. Pertukaran ide dan pengalaman ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi positif bagi pengembangan kurikulum dan manajemen prodi di FEB UNY serta memperkaya ekosistem pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia. (isti/lina)

FEB UNY Hosts the 11th AFEBI Congress

This year, the Faculty of Economics and Business at Yogyakarta State University (FEB UNY) has been chosen to host the 11th Congress of the Association of Faculties of Economics and Business of Indonesia (AFEBI). AFEBI consists of the Faculty of Economics and Business from 80 universities in Indonesia. The attendees on this occasion were 70 universities. The 11th AFEBI Congress activities were centered at the Eastparc Yogyakarta Hotel on Wednesday–Thursday (29–30/11). The 11th AFEBI Congress raised the theme "Optimizing the Role of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Developing Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to Realize Economic Independence." The series of activities in the framework of the 11th AFEBI Congress in Yogyakarta this year on the first day included: AFEBI National Executive Board Meeting; International Accreditation Mentorship Workshop; Study Program Association Forum; and Welcome Dinner. While on the second day, seminars and discussion forums were held.

The AFEBI National Executive Board meeting was chaired directly by the chairman of AFEBI for the 2022–2025 period, Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahman Kadir, S.E., M.Si., CIPM. The International Accreditation Mentorship Workshop event provides enlightenment and consultation for the Faculty of Economics and Business who want to apply for AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) international accreditation. The mentors who assisted this workshop were: Arief Wibisono Lubis, S.E., M.F.M., M.Sc., Ph.D. and Yeshika Alversia, M.Sc. from FEB UI, Mandra Lazuardi, Ph.D., and Dr. Yuanita Handayati from the School of Business and Management ITB.

This congress also held a forum for the Association of Study Programs in Economics and Business. This forum aims to equalize perceptions related to curriculum development and increase cooperation in the fields of academics, research, and community services. The Study Program Association Forum is divided into 6 groups, namely: Management study program, Accounting study program, Development Economics study program, Islamic Economics study program, Master study program, and Doctoral study program. In addition to the agenda of scientific activities, on the first day, a welcome dinner was also held at Rama Shinta Garden Resto Prambanan. This Welcome Dinner event also witnessed the Ramayana dance performance as a form of introduction to Javanese culture for congress participants who came from various regions of Indonesia.

The agenda for the second day began with the opening ceremony of the congress. At the opening ceremony, an activity report was submitted by the host, namely the Dean of FEB UNY, Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd., remarks from the chairman of AFEBI, Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahman Kadir, S.E., M.Si., CIPM, and remarks from the Rector of Yogyakarta State University. After the opening, the congress continued with a national seminar and discussion forum on education. The AFEBI Congress national seminar discussed the topic of efforts and strategies for the development of MSMEs in Indonesia. The speakers came from the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology; and business practitioners. The resource person from the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs was represented by the Deputy for Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, Ir. Siti Azizah, MBA. The resource person from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology was represented by the President Director of Smesco Indonesia, Leonard Theosabrata. Meanwhile, business practitioners were presented by the CEO of Mboc Group, Handoko Hendroyono. (tian/lina/isti)

FEB Unnes Learns Laboratory Development and Management at FEB UNY

Six representatives from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of the State University of Semarang (Unnes) visited FEB UNY on Wednesday (1/11). Led by the laboratory coordinator, Dr. Bestari Dwi Handayani, the group visited the Administrative Education Department of FEB UNY. The group was welcomed by the Head of Department, Dr. Rosidah, M.Pd. and lecturers in the Administrative Education Department. The visit was intended as a comparative study of laboratory development and management.

As Handayani said, FEB Unnes is still trying to do various things so that the laboratories available at FEB Unnes can be utilized as learning facilities not only for FEB Unnes students but also for the general public. "Therefore, we visited FEB UNY to see and learn about the management at UNY," she explained.

Administrative Education Laboratory Coordinator Yuliansah, M.Pd., said that the laboratory in Administrative Education has been working since 2010, when FEB was still a part of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics (FISE). "In 2012, the laboratory was launched for the public. Apart from students, our market share is vocational school students and teachers," he said.

Yuliansah continued, FEB UNY has laboratories at the faculty level, department level, and study program level. "The Office Simulation Laboratory, for example, is used for office simulation practice and office administration competency testing. Meanwhile, the Office Technology Laboratory is often used as a practice site for vocational schools, in addition to being used by other universities and the public," he added. (tian-fdhl)

Tingkatkan Mutu Akademik, Pendidikan Administrasi Inisiasikan Kerja Sama Dengan UGM Malaysia

Dalam mewujudkan visi untuk menjadi program studi unggul dan menghasilkan lulusan yang mempunyai daya saing tinggi baik nasional maupun internasional, Program Studi (Prodi) S1 Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran (P. ADP) UNY senantiasa berperan aktif dengan meningkatkan kualitas dan pelayanan akademik. Salah satu kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatan mutu pendidikan di lingkungan ini adalah dengan mengundang profesor dari beberapa universitas luar negeri untuk berbagai kegiatan akademis yang melibatkan mahasiswa dan dosen. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam bentuk visiting professor. Akademisi yang diundang adalah Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohamad Nasir Saludin (Universiti Geomatika Malaysia). Dalam kegiatan visiting professor kali ini, Prof. Nasir memberikan perkuliahan selama 3 hari mulai tanggal 13 s.d. 15 Mei 2024.

Prof. Nasir berkolaborasi dengan Yuliansah, M.Pd. dosen prodi P.ADP yang mengampu mata kuliah Penilaian Pembelajaran. Pada hari pertama, Prof. Nasir memberikan kuliah terkait dengan materi “Identifying Competency Standards that Match the Learning Instrument”, sedangkan hari kedua beliau menjelaskan materi tentang “Development of Test & Non-Test Instrument”, dan untuk hari terakhir Prof. Nasir memberikan kuliah tentang materi “Validity & Reliability in Measuring Learning and Techniques for Determining the Validity of Test Equipment”.

Selain sebagai Guru Besar di Universiti Geomatika Malaysia, Prof. Nasir juga menjabat sebagai Director of Postgraduate Studies. Pada kesempatan ini, Prodi P.ADP FEB UNY juga telah menginisiasi kerjasama dengan Universiti Geomatika Malaysia dalam bentuk joint research, joint publication, dan kerjasama dalam bentuk pertukaran mahasiswa.

Manfaat yang hendak dicapai dalam kegiatan ini, selain dari meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan mahasiswa, adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan penulisan ilmiah dosen. Dengan adanya kerjasama ini juga dapat membangun hubungan kerjasama akademik internasional serta meningkatkan reputasi Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. (umr-fdhl)

BEM KM FEB UNY Sambangi BEM FEB Universitas Diponegoro

Sabtu (27/4) lalu Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (FEB UNY) melakukan studi banding dengan Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) Fakultas  Ekonomi Bisnis Universitas Diponegoro (FEB UNDIP). BEM KM FEB UNY didampingi oleh R. Andro Zylio Nugraha, S.Ak., M.Acc. selaku dosen yang mendampingi kegiatan tersebut.

Kedatangan BEM KM FEB UNY disambut baik oleh Ketua BEM FEB UNDIP, Sena Habibi dan seluruh fungsionaris BEM FEB UNDIP di Hall Gedung C FEB UNDIP. Dalam sambutannya, Sena menjelaskan bahwa kunjungan dari BEM KM FEB UNY yang mereka sebut dengan istilah ‘Anjangsi’ merupakan penerimaan kunjungan dari universitas lain untuk saling memberi insight mengenai program kerja dan agenda kerja. Ketua BEM KM FEB UNY, Aji Fajar Ramdani juga menjelaskan bahwa kegiatan studi banding ini bertujuan untuk memotivasi, mengembangkan kreativitas, dan inovasi juga memperluas jaringan kolaborasi profesional sehingga dapat menjalin hubungan baik antara organisasi mahasiswa eksternal.

Pada sesi presentasi, Aji menjelaskan susunan kabinet “Rajut Asa” yang terdiri dari tiga biro dan tujuh departemen serta program kerja dan agenda kerja apa saja yang akan dilaksanakan selama satu periode. Setelah itu, dilakukan sesi tanya jawab kepada seluruh fungsionaris BEM KM FEB UNY dan BEM FEB UNDIP mengenai program kerja dan agenda kerja atau seputar FEB UNY dan FEB UNDIP. Setelah sesi tanya jawab, terdapat Forum Group Discussion yang menggabungkan setiap biro dan departemen dari BEM KM FEB UNY dan BEM FEB UNDIP sesuai bidangnya masing-masing untuk melakukan diskusi lebih lanjut dan sharing experience dalam menjalankan program kerja dan agenda kerja. Sebagai penutup kegiatan, fungsionaris BEM FEB UNDIP mengajak seluruh peserta studi banding BEM KM FEB UNY untuk campus tour di FEB UNDIP.

Dari studi banding yang dilaksanakan tersebut, ada banyak hal baru yang didapatkan terkait bagaimana mengembangkan kapabilitas seluruh fungsionaris karena terdapat perbedaan organogram, tupoksi, hingga lingkup program kerja. Dengan ini, BEM KM FEB UNY mencoba mengadopsi cara BEM FEB UNDIP dalam berorganisasi untuk hal yang positif. Terdapat juga beberapa perbedaan ranah kerja antara departemen dan biro yang di BEM KM FEB UNY dengan departemen dan biro yang ada di BEM FEB UNDIP, namun memiliki kesamaan tujuan secara umum. Biro Personalia BEM KM FEB UNY mendapat insight baru terutama terkait mekanisme pembuatan program kerja peningkatan kapasitas diri pengurus.

BSI Institute Explore The Possibility of Research Cooperation with FEB UNY

As one of the state-owned banks, Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) continues to grow and develop, especially in Islamic banking. Therefore, BSI has its institution called ‘BSI Institute’ which functions as a think tank and handles various research, analysis, and banking product development. BSI Institute regularly issued a quarterly report called ‘BSI Institute Quarterly’,as stated by the Head of BSI Institute, Dr. Luqyan Tamanni when visiting FEB UNY with a number of representatives of BSI Institute and BSI Yogyakarta. The representatives of BSI were welcomed by representatives of the International Affairs and Partnership Unit (UUIK) FEB UNY, Mimin Nur Aistah, M.Sc., Ak. and Eka Ary Wibawa, M.Pd.Luqyan Tamanni dan Mimin Nur Aisyah

Luqyan continued, BSI Institute is interested in expanding cooperation with universities in Indonesia. “BSI Institute wants to contribute to the development of Islamic economic literacy as well as developing its Islamic banking products. This is done through a number of steps, sharing information/data, joint research, and literacy agenda which includes joint research publications or organizing joint seminars/conferences,” Luqyan explained.

Mimin stated that even though FEB UNY does not have an Islamic/sharia economics study program, FEB UNY already has an Islamic banking laboratory called Islamic Mini Bank (IMB). “IMB has been established since 2013 and is run by students and already has customers from students, lecturers, and education staff at UNY and already has a number of banking products,” she explained. 

Meanwhile, Eka welcomed the visit from BSI Institute. “There are several of our lecturers who have interests and fields of knowledge in Islamic Economics, halal industry, and others. Cooperation with institutions such as BSI Institute certainly provides new opportunities in the development of Islamic Economic research and literacy,” he said. (tian-ella-fdhl)


Facing Accreditation, FEB of Tadulako University Conducts Benchmarking to FEB UNY

FEB UNY received a visit from the accreditation taskforce team of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of Tadulako University (Untad), Palu. The Vice Dean for Planning, Finance, General, and Resources Affairs of FEB UNY, along with a number of officials and the FEB UNY Management Department taskforce team, received the guests led by the Head of the Untad FEB Management Department, Dr. Maskuri Sutomo, M.Si. This visit is a preparation for FEB Untad to face the accreditation process.

Maskuri explained the purpose of his team's visit, which consisted of the department secretary, head of Diploma Marketing Department,  and the accreditation taskforce team. "We want to know the steps taken by UNY in achieving FIBAA accreditation and also explore the possibility of cooperation in various matters, such as visiting professors or joint research," he explained.Foto Bersama Ali Muhson, Lies Endarwati, Arum Darmawati, Penny Rahmawaty, Maskuri Sutomo

Maskuri added that FEB Untad has done several things needed to support accreditation. "We have conducted international conferences, even for students. In addition, internationalization is also pursued through joint research agreements with foreign campuses. We are also still working towards excellence in LAMEMBA accreditation," he added.

FEB UNY Management Taskforce Team, Penny Rahmawaty, M.Si, said that FEB UNY chose FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) accreditation due to several considerations. "The quality assurance team of UNY suggested that we take FIBAA accreditation because it uses European education standards. FIBAA uses a Self-evaluation report filled in by the study program. Then there is a joint share filled by the faculty and university. Thanks to the hard work of all parties, FEB UNY succeeded in achieving FIBAA accreditation on March 2023, even without notes," explained Penny. (tian-fdhl)

FEB UNY dan STIM YKPN Sepakati Kerja Sama

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (FEB UNY) dan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen (STIM) YKPN menyelenggarakan penandatanganan perjanjian kerja sama yang bertujuan untuk memperkuat kolaborasi dalam berbagai bidang pendidikan dan pengembangan.

Acara penandatanganan perjanjian ini diselenggarakan di Ruang Sidang Dekanat FEB UNY pada Jumat (19/4) lalu dengan dihadiri oleh berbagai pihak penting dari kedua institusi. Turut hadir dalam acara tersebut antara lain Wakil Dekan Bidang Riset, Kerja Sama, Sistem Informasi, dan Usaha (RKSIU), Wakil Dekan Bidang Perencanaan, Keuangan, Umum, dan Sumber Daya (PKUSD), kepala departemen (kadep), koordinator program studi (korprodi) S1 dan S2, serta kepala divisi di lingkungan FEB UNY.Dekan FEB UNY (kiri) dan Ketua STIM YKPN

Sambutan dari Dekan FEB UNY, Prof. Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd., menyoroti pentingnya kolaborasi antar-institusi dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan pengembangan organisasi. Beliau menyatakan, "Kami berbahagia hari ini bisa menjalin kerja sama dengan STIM YKPN. Ini adalah tindak lanjut dari pertemuan sebelumnya dan hasil diskusi di tingkat fakultas. Kami harus banyak belajar dengan kegigihan pengelolaan organisasi di STIM YKPN. Sekarang adalah eranya kolaborasi. Kita bisa bekerjasama dalam beberapa hal, seperti pertukaran dosen, penerbitan/penulisan buku. Setelah penandatanganan, jangan sungkan berkunjung."

Ketua STIM YKPN, Dr. Suparmono, mengamini pernyataan Dekan FEB UNY tentang pentingnya era kolaborasi dalam dunia pendidikan. Beliau menyambut baik kerja sama ini dengan mengatakan, "Sekecil apapun kelebihan yang dimiliki pasti akan memberikan kontribusi dalam kolaborasi tersebut. Beberapa dosen kami juga sedang studi lanjut di UNY."

Wakil Ketua Bidang Akademik STIM YKPN menambahkan, "Perlu ada kerjasama penyusunan kurikulum, dan dalam waktu dekat kerjasama pelaksanaan MBKM untuk semester gasal."

Acara ini diakhiri dengan sesi penandatanganan perjanjian resmi antara FEB UNY dan STIM YKPN, serta dilanjutkan dengan sesi foto bersama sebagai simbol dari komitmen kedua belah pihak untuk bersinergi dalam rangka mencapai tujuan bersama.

Kerja sama ini diharapkan dapat membawa dampak positif bagi kedua institusi serta meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan pemberdayaan sumber daya manusia di Indonesia. (fdhl)

Benchmarking FEIS UIN Suska Riau to FEB UNY

Faculty of Economic and Social Science (FEIS) of Sultan Syarif Kasim Islamic State University (UIN SUSKA) Riau visited FEB UNY, Tuesday (10/10). The delegation is led by The Dean Dr. Hj. Mahyarni, M.M., and accompanied by a number of officials and the head of the department. FEB UNY was represented by the Vice Dean of Academic, Students Affair, and Alumni (AKA), the Vice Dean of Research, Cooperation, Information, and Business, the Head of the Bachelor of Accounting Department, and the Quality Assurance Unit of FEB UNY. As stated by Mahyarni, this visit was intended to discuss various things to support the accreditation of their institute. 

"This visit is intended to benchmark our three study programs that will be accredited in our faculty. We want to know the governance, curriculum, and developments carried out at FEB UNY," explained Mahyarni.

The Vice Dean of AKA FEB UNY, Dr. Sutirman, welcomed the delegation from Sumatra gladly. "Hopefully it can be beneficial to establish collaboration in developing each institution," said Sutirman.

Dr. Siti Umi Khayatun Mardiyah from the Quality Assurance Unit of FEB UNY emphasized that the challenge of accreditation is not only to get a score. "Accreditation is not just about collecting information to answer the criteria of accreditation standards, but it is also our part to improve the quality of institutional management," she explained.

Umi continued, FEB UNY has received a number of accreditation achievements. "The internal quality assurance system is well-running. As the unit of quality assurance we map out which instruments are different between LAM (Independent Accreditation Agency) and BAN-PT (National Accreditation Board-Higher Education). Then we encourage each study program to complete each instrument," added Umi. (ell-fdhl)


The Role of Lecturers and Alumni in Improving Student Affairs

The Student Affairs of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the State University of Yogyakarta (FEB UNY) recently conducted a visit to the Faculty of Economics and Business at the State University of Semarang (FEB UNNES). The delegation was led by the Vice Dean for Academic, Students, and Alumni Affairs of the Faculty of Economic and Business UNY, Dr. Sutirman, M.Pd., and attended by student supervisors as well as the Head of Administrative Services and representative of FEB UNY administration staff. The delegation was welcomed by the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of FEB UNNES, Agung Yulianto, S.Pd., M.Si., the Vice Dean for Planning and Resources Affairs Prof. Dr. Amin Pujiati, M.Si., representatives of student supervisors and also some student organization administrators.

In his speech, Agung Yulianto welcomed the delegation of FEB UNY. “We are grateful to FEB UNY for allowing us to visit some time ago. After the visit, we implemented the recommendations that we got there. These include appreciation and awarding to outstanding students,” Agung explained.

Responding to Agung, Sutirman said that FEB UNY believes that the student affairs of FEB Unnes is now more advanced. “This is indeed our return visit that aims to improve students achievements in FEB UNY,” he said.

Agung continued, FEB Unnes through student affairs has created many programs to advance students' achievements. “Student Activity Forum (UKM) is the spearhead of achievement development centers. We also compiled a soft skills development guidebook to help students develop according to their potential,” he continued.

“There are several development patterns, The first is soft skills and career, including entrepreneurship, public speaking, and career coaching. Second, students' achievements in the form of Mapres (Mahasiswa Berprestasi) mentoring and awarding achievements. The next is character and leadership, including studium generale, workshops, etc.,” Agung explained.

After the visit, the delegation of FEB UNY conducted a workshop on student affairs guided by Endra Murti Sagoro, M.Sc., and Yolandaru Septiana, M.Pd. Endra, who often supervises the Student Creativity Program (PKM), said that lecturers play an important role in improving students’ achievement.

"Lecturers should be able to help students to focus on achievement, provide motivation and inspiration, strengthen student competencies, and provide resources and guidance," he explained.

Meanwhile, Yolandaru shared several ideas to increase students’ participation in achievement. "For students' achievements to be optimal, it certainly requires the role of supervisors, supportive campus policies, and awards for those who excel. Students can also be encouraged to participate in competitions in several ways, whether by their initiative, appointed by lecturers, or involved in writing articles with lecturers," Yolandaru explained.

In addition, Yolandaru continued, the role of alumni is equally important in assisting students’ development. "Alumni are assets that need to be empowered, especially those who as students often excelled in various competitions. The campus should not cut off communication, especially during the process of mentoring or guiding competitions. They can also be involved in writing articles with lecturers, and rewarded with appropriate honorariums or fees," said Yola. (tyan-ella-fdhl)

