Students Create Oat Bar Innovation from Cowpeas
Submitted by feb on Thu, 15/09/2022 - 13:15
Cowpeas are one of the healthiest foods that contain lots of protein. But its popularity is still inferior to soybeans. This high protein content can help the wound healing process more quickly. To introduce cowpea as an alternative healthy food ingredient to the millennial generation, a group of UNY students created a healthy food innovation made from cowpea.
The UNY Entrepreneurship Student Creativity Program (PKM) team, led by D4 Marketing Management student, Jairus Asher Purdy, produces a snack called Oabean Milky. This team consists of Hilal Fahrul Hamam (D4 Electrical Engineering), Krisanti Dhiaz Ayuni (S1 English Education), Ayyasy Fathan (S1 Educational Technology), and Intan Diah Kusuma (S1 Culinary Engineering Education).
Jairus explained that cowpeas were their choice because of their high protein content similar to those of soybeans, but they were still less popular.
So far, cowpeas have only been used as one of the ingredients for making traditional foods and are less attractive to the millennial generation.
“We fulfill our protein according to the tagline #PenuhiTunggakanProteinmu (#MeetYourProteinNeed). From that protein, we focus on accelerating wound regeneration because the protein can produce tissue,” he explained.
This Oabean Milky product is an oat bar that is now one of the modern snacks and is combined with other ingredients, such as dates, oats, almonds, honey, chocolate, and raisins. This product has been sold online and offline.
"We have also registered PI-RT and NIB," he said. (fdhl-ed:lia)