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ABBS Surakarta High School Learns Investment at FEB UNY
To introduce students to the world of lectures and the best campuses in Indonesia, SMA ABBS (Al Abidin Bilingual Boarding School) Surakarta invited its students to visit the Faculty of Economics and Business some time ago. At FEB UNY, the group had a lecture on stock training material delivered by the representative office of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (KE BEI) Yogyakarta and from FAC Sekuritas Indonesia Yogyakarta in collaboration with the Capital Market Study Group (KSPM) FEB UNY.
In his presentation, Arief Ryan Maulana, who became the Capital Market Ambassador of KP BEI Yogyakarta, encouraged students to learn more about investment. “Savings may not retain their value and could decrease due to inflation. Investments have the potential as future inheritance, stock prices are continuously monitored and regulated by the government through the Financial Services Authority (OJK),” he explained.
Arief continued, to become a shareholder of a company is not difficult. "Simply by buying 1 lot or 100 shares, we are considered shareholders and can get dividends from the company," he added.
FAC Sekuritas Indonesia Yogyakarta branch manager, Hery Gunawan Muhamad, invited students not to hesitate to start investing in stocks since school. "According to data in 2020, the majority of the population is Generation Z at 27.94%. There is no need to wait to graduate from school to start learning investment. Furthermore, there is a sense of pride if we can become the owner of a company's shares, not just an employee or staff. Especially if asked by prospective in-laws," he joked. (tian-fdhl)
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