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FEB UNY's 13th Anniversary: Optimizing Economic Resources for the Future

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at Yogyakarta State University (UNY) celebrated its 13th anniversary on Saturday, June 22. The event, held in the Theater Room of the Masters and Doctoral Lecture Building (PMD), embraced the theme, "Optimizing Economic Resources to Realize UNY as a Glorious and Prosperous PTNBH." This theme highlights the critical role of FEB in advancing UNY's vision as a State University with Legal Entity (PTN-BH), striving for excellence, creativity, and sustainable innovation.
The celebration was attended by UNY's Chancellor, members of the FEB Academic Senate, vice chancellors, deans, the Postgraduate Director, UNY directorate directors, vice deans at FEB, partners, lecturers, education staff, members of Dharma Wanita Persatuan, and student representatives. A notable moment in the event was a scientific lecture delivered by Prof. Dr. Amir Mahmud, S.Pd., M.Pd., Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Semarang State University.
Prof. Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd., Dean of FEB UNY, reaffirmed the faculty's commitment to actively contribute to national development, particularly in the field of comprehensive and balanced economic and business education. "We hope that FEB UNY will continue to be a higher education institution that provides significant benefits, supporting UNY’s ambition to become a leading educational university," he stated.
The theme, "Optimizing Economic Resources to Realize UNY PTNBH Jaya and Sejahtera," aims to inspire the entire FEB community to elevate the quality of education and research. With this theme, FEB UNY commits to producing graduates who are resilient, competent, and ready to make an impact both nationally and globally.
One of FEB UNY’s strategic initiatives is enhancing the management of study programs. This includes encouraging each program to achieve national and international accreditation. "We are working diligently to ensure our study programs are recognized globally, equipping our graduates to compete on the international stage," emphasized the Dean.
Beyond improving existing study programs, FEB UNY is also exploring the introduction of new ones to better align with industry needs. The proposed programs include Bachelor's degrees in Business Administration, Business Education, and Islamic Economics and Finance. "We believe these new programs will further strengthen FEB UNY's contribution to developing Indonesia's human resources," added Prof. Siswanto.
The anniversary celebration featured various activities, such as sports competitions, visits to retirees, health checks, and a formal ceremony attended by lecturers, staff, and students. The event served not only as a celebration but also as an opportunity for reflection and strategic planning. With the spirit of its 13th anniversary, FEB UNY aims to continue innovating and making a meaningful impact on economic and business education in Indonesia, while also contributing positively to society and national development.
In his address, UNY Rector Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes. AIFO, emphasized that the slogan "jayalembaganya" (glorious institution) should resonate both internally and externally. He encouraged collaboration among partners, alumni, and other stakeholders. "When 'jeneng' (reputation) rises, 'jenang' (prosperity) will follow. High performance leads to increased welfare and achievement," he remarked, acknowledging FEB’s successes, such as expanding opportunities for further studies among lecturers and staff, advancing functional positions, and optimizing the Theater Building for revenue generation.
During his scientific oration, Prof. Amir Mahmud highlighted the importance of optimizing university resources, which requires the active participation of all academic community members, including leaders, lecturers, and staff. "University leaders at all levels must provide full support and develop entrepreneurial skills to create solutions and innovations with economic value. Resource optimization can be achieved through institutional collaboration, diversification of academic services, asset optimization, and the development of business units," he explained. (Ln/Fd/Is)

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