The Role of Lecturers and Alumni in Improving Student Affairs
Submitted by feb on Fri, 05/04/2024 - 13:51
The Student Affairs of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the State University of Yogyakarta (FEB UNY) recently conducted a visit to the Faculty of Economics and Business at the State University of Semarang (FEB UNNES). The delegation was led by the Vice Dean for Academic, Students, and Alumni Affairs of the Faculty of Economic and Business UNY, Dr. Sutirman, M.Pd., and attended by student supervisors as well as the Head of Administrative Services and representative of FEB UNY administration staff. The delegation was welcomed by the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of FEB UNNES, Agung Yulianto, S.Pd., M.Si., the Vice Dean for Planning and Resources Affairs Prof. Dr. Amin Pujiati, M.Si., representatives of student supervisors and also some student organization administrators.
In his speech, Agung Yulianto welcomed the delegation of FEB UNY. “We are grateful to FEB UNY for allowing us to visit some time ago. After the visit, we implemented the recommendations that we got there. These include appreciation and awarding to outstanding students,” Agung explained.
Responding to Agung, Sutirman said that FEB UNY believes that the student affairs of FEB Unnes is now more advanced. “This is indeed our return visit that aims to improve students achievements in FEB UNY,” he said.
Agung continued, FEB Unnes through student affairs has created many programs to advance students' achievements. “Student Activity Forum (UKM) is the spearhead of achievement development centers. We also compiled a soft skills development guidebook to help students develop according to their potential,” he continued.
“There are several development patterns, The first is soft skills and career, including entrepreneurship, public speaking, and career coaching. Second, students' achievements in the form of Mapres (Mahasiswa Berprestasi) mentoring and awarding achievements. The next is character and leadership, including studium generale, workshops, etc.,” Agung explained.
After the visit, the delegation of FEB UNY conducted a workshop on student affairs guided by Endra Murti Sagoro, M.Sc., and Yolandaru Septiana, M.Pd. Endra, who often supervises the Student Creativity Program (PKM), said that lecturers play an important role in improving students’ achievement.
"Lecturers should be able to help students to focus on achievement, provide motivation and inspiration, strengthen student competencies, and provide resources and guidance," he explained.
Meanwhile, Yolandaru shared several ideas to increase students’ participation in achievement. "For students' achievements to be optimal, it certainly requires the role of supervisors, supportive campus policies, and awards for those who excel. Students can also be encouraged to participate in competitions in several ways, whether by their initiative, appointed by lecturers, or involved in writing articles with lecturers," Yolandaru explained.
In addition, Yolandaru continued, the role of alumni is equally important in assisting students’ development. "Alumni are assets that need to be empowered, especially those who as students often excelled in various competitions. The campus should not cut off communication, especially during the process of mentoring or guiding competitions. They can also be involved in writing articles with lecturers, and rewarded with appropriate honorariums or fees," said Yola. (tyan-ella-fdhl)