Caring Economics Help Students to Care their Environment
Submitted by feb on Fri, 05/11/2021 - 13:49Economics subjects in high school have been taught for a long time. Students already understand various economic materials and impact on their well-developed economic behavior. However, this behavior still tends to be too rational and lacks a caring attitude towards people, the environment, or even oneself. This can happen because the material taught so far is more inclined to follow the understanding of neo-liberalism resulting in an economic man or called homo economicus.
To help students to develop care about others and the environment, economics learning needs to be directed to caring economics. With this concept, students are taught not only knowledge but also attitudes and caring behavior towards fellow humans and the environment, especially in their economic activities.
Lecturer of the Department of Economics Education Faculty of Economics (FE) UNY, Dr. Daru Wahyuni, M.Sc. brought this research in his dissertation at the Doctoral Program in Economics Education at the State University of Malang, last Monday (27/9). Daru defended his dissertation entitled "Learning Caring Economics in High Schools" under her supervisors Prof. Dr. Ery Tri Djatmika, M.A., M.Sc., Prof. Dr. Sri Umi Mintarti Widjaja, M.P., Ak., and Dr. Wahyono's Day. The exam was attended by three supervisors and examiners consisting of Prof. Dr. Agus Suman, S.E, DEA; Dr. Cipto Wardoyo, M.Sc., Ak., CA; Dr. Djoko Dwi Kusumojanto, M.Si, and Dr. Dedi Kuswandi, M.Pd.
Daru developed caring economics learning using a design-based research (DBR) model and produced learning tools consisting of learning scenarios, teaching materials, and student worksheets, learning media, and learning outcomes assessment instruments in the form of situational judgment tests (SJTs). The learning of caring economics is expected to get the opportunity to be disseminated at the high school level in a wider scope.
In addition, in the future, caring economics learning can be developed in the realm of e-learning or mobile learning thanks to advances in information and communication technology. The results of this study can be used as a reference for education policymakers to design a curriculum for economics subjects in high schools with the concept of caring economics so that this concept can be widely implemented through syllabus and learning activities. (fadhli)