Investigating Leadership in Vocational Education Sector, Isroah Earned Doctor's Degree
Submitted by feb on Fri, 23/08/2024 - 14:05
Lecturer of the Department of Accounting Education, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Yogyakarta State University (UNY), Dr. Isroah, M.Sc., successfully earned a doctoral degree after defending his dissertation in an open session of the Technology and Vocational Education study program at the UNY Postgraduate School on Friday (2/8). The session, led by the Chief Examiner, Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo, M.Kes., AIFO, also presented the board of examiners consisting of Dr. Sukarno, S.Pd., M.Hum. as the Examining Secretary, and Prof. Sutarto, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Promoter), Prof. Slamet, PH., M.A., M.Ed., M.A., MLHR., Ph.D. (Co-promoter), Prof. Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd., and Dr. A.G. Tamrin, M.Pd., M.Sc. from Sebelas Maret University.
Dr.'s Dissertation Isroah entitled "Vocational Education Leadership in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era: Case Study at SV 'X'" discusses leadership in the vocational education sector facing the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This study aims to reveal the perception of the academic community regarding the implementation of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the leadership styles applied, the effectiveness of leadership, as well as the supporting factors and obstacles in the implementation of leadership at SV "X". With a mixed methods approach and concurrent embedded design, this study involved various stakeholders such as deans, heads of departments, heads of study programs, and heads of laboratories at SV "X".
The results of the study showed that the perception of the academic community towards the Industrial Revolution 4.0 at SV "X" was very positive, with a tendency to be in the very high and high categories. This implementation was considered successful by applying various leadership styles, ranging from instructional, transformational, digital, to entrepreneurial and progressive leadership. This varied leadership style is considered effective in facing the dynamics of vocational education in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era, both in terms of academic development and in responding to industry needs.
This study also identified various supporting factors for the success of leadership implementation at SV "X", including leadership encouragement, synergy with the industrial world, and graduate competencies matching market needs. However, some obstacles must be overcome, such as the limited number of intern lecturers, the low performance of several unit leaders, and the negative perception that still considers vocational education as second class. These factors are challenges that need to be faced in improving the quality and effectiveness of leadership at the institution.
With this dissertation, Dr. Isroah makes a significant contribution to the development of leadership models in vocational education in the current digital era. His research is expected to be a reference for other vocational education institutions in formulating adaptive and innovative leadership strategies, in line with the rapid development of industry and technology. (fdhl)