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BSI Institute Explore The Possibility of Research Cooperation with FEB UNY
As one of the state-owned banks, Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) continues to grow and develop, especially in Islamic banking. Therefore, BSI has its institution called ‘BSI Institute’ which functions as a think tank and handles various research, analysis, and banking product development. BSI Institute regularly issued a quarterly report called ‘BSI Institute Quarterly’,as stated by the Head of BSI Institute, Dr. Luqyan Tamanni when visiting FEB UNY with a number of representatives of BSI Institute and BSI Yogyakarta. The representatives of BSI were welcomed by representatives of the International Affairs and Partnership Unit (UUIK) FEB UNY, Mimin Nur Aistah, M.Sc., Ak. and Eka Ary Wibawa, M.Pd.
Luqyan continued, BSI Institute is interested in expanding cooperation with universities in Indonesia. “BSI Institute wants to contribute to the development of Islamic economic literacy as well as developing its Islamic banking products. This is done through a number of steps, sharing information/data, joint research, and literacy agenda which includes joint research publications or organizing joint seminars/conferences,” Luqyan explained.
Mimin stated that even though FEB UNY does not have an Islamic/sharia economics study program, FEB UNY already has an Islamic banking laboratory called Islamic Mini Bank (IMB). “IMB has been established since 2013 and is run by students and already has customers from students, lecturers, and education staff at UNY and already has a number of banking products,” she explained.
Meanwhile, Eka welcomed the visit from BSI Institute. “There are several of our lecturers who have interests and fields of knowledge in Islamic Economics, halal industry, and others. Cooperation with institutions such as BSI Institute certainly provides new opportunities in the development of Islamic Economic research and literacy,” he said. (tian-ella-fdhl)
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