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Breaking Barriers in Learning: How a New Tool is Transforming Accounting Education for Vocational Students

Dian Normalitasari Purnama, M.Pd., a lecturer in the Department of Accounting Education at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Yogyakarta State University (FEB UNY), successfully defended her dissertation on Tuesday, July 23, during an open examination for the doctoral program in the Educational Research and Evaluation Study Program at the Postgraduate School (SPs) UNY. The examination took place in the Examination Room on the third floor of the Sugeng Mardiyono Building, SPs UNY, and was led by Chief Examiner Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo, M.Kes., AIFO. The board of examiners included Dr. Ir. Priyanto, M.Kom. (Examiner Secretary), Prof. Dr. Samsul Hadi, M.Pd., M.T. (Promoter), Prof. Sukirno, S.Pd., M.Si., Ph.D. (Co-promoter), Prof. Dr. H. Nugraha, SE., Ak., M.Si., CA., CPA., CFP (Main Examiner 1), and Prof. Dr. Endang Mulyani, M.Sc. (Main Examiner 2).
Dian earned her doctoral degree with distinction, achieving a GPA of 3.86. In recognition of her accomplishments, she has been appointed as the Ambassador of the Graduate School, tasked with enhancing the science and reputation of the UNY Graduate School.
Her dissertation, titled "Development of Computer-Based Testlet Instruments to Detect Basic Accounting Learning Difficulties in Vocational High School Students," introduces an innovative tool designed to identify learning challenges in accounting among vocational high school students. This instrument aids accounting teachers in implementing the independent curriculum, which necessitates diagnostic assessments to better understand student difficulties.
By employing a computer-based testlet instrument, teachers can identify specific learning difficulties among students, which can then inform improvements in the learning process. The instrument has undergone testing and has demonstrated high quality based on qualitative reviews, content validity, construct validity, question characteristics, and practical implementation. The study's findings suggest that this computer-based testlet instrument is suitable for use in diagnostic assessments to support the independent curriculum.
The Dean of FEB UNY, Prof. Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd., also attended the doctoral promotion hearing. In his remarks, he expressed his hopes for Dian, stating, "I hope Dr. Dian Normalitasari Purnama can apply her knowledge to advance the world of education and her institution." This achievement not only brings pride to Dr. Dian but also to UNY, which remains committed to enhancing the quality of education and research.

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