FEB UNY Facilitate Students with Special Needs to Participate in UTBK
Submitted by feb on Thu, 10/10/2024 - 09:18
Thursday (2/5) morning at the IDB Building of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNY, the usual crowd was absent. Instead, the space was dedicated to four prospective blind students participating in the UTBK-SNBT, a special entrance exam for students with disabilities, hosted by UNY. Despite facing challenges, Wahyu Ishlakhuddin Ar Mansyah was determined to pursue higher education through the UTBK pathway. A graduate of MAN 2 Sleman, Wahyu set his sights on the S1 Special Education program at the Faculty of Education and Psychology (FIPP) UNY. Born in Lamongan on March 10, 2005, Wahyu has a vision impairment, but he remains committed to his educational goals. He made extensive preparations for the UTBK, including joining online tutoring sessions.
Another UTBK participant, Oktaviola Maya Tantri Ramadani, also shared her journey. She prepared diligently by studying hard, taking online tutoring, and participating in tryouts. Oktaviola, born on May 7, 2006, attends SMA 1 Sewon, an inclusive school equipped with supporting facilities. Like Wahyu, she chose the Special Education program at FIPP UNY as her study destination.
Dr. Bambang Saptono, Chair of UNY Admissions, highlighted the university’s commitment to supporting UTBK participants with special needs. "This year, we have 4 blind participants and 20 physically disabled participants," he explained. To accommodate these students, UNY has made special arrangements: providing strategic seating for easy access, wheelchairs, and dedicated companions. For visually impaired participants, the test was scheduled on Thursday, May 2, in a separate room with assistance from experienced lecturers of the Special Education program.
Dr. Maimun Sholeh, Location Manager (PJL) of the IDB FEB UNY Laboratory Room, detailed the provisions for the test. "The computers used for UTBK by students with special needs have specialized specifications, including adaptive software and audio support," he noted. "For blind participants, we provide a personal companion for each student, selected from the FIPP UNY Special Education program." These lecturers are skilled in communicating with and supporting individuals with disabilities, ensuring a smooth test process to achieve the best possible outcomes.
UNY’s commitment to inclusive education aligns with Regulation No. 46 of 2017 issued by the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, which guarantees the right of people with disabilities to access higher education. Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Nadiem Anwar Makarim also emphasized that students with disabilities are prioritized for the Smart Indonesia College Card (KIPK). UNY’s approach includes providing necessary support from the admission stage, such as offering companions during entrance exams, to offering learning aids like Braille textbooks, accessible libraries, and facilities designed for easy mobility, including elevators and wheelchair-accessible pathways in multi-storey buildings. (dedy/fdhl)