Improving Academic Quality, Administration Education Department Initiate Collaboration with UGM Malaysia

To achieve its vision of becoming a leading study program that produces highly competitive graduates at both national and international levels, the Office Administration Education Study Program (P. ADP) at UNY consistently strives to enhance its academic quality and services. A key initiative in this effort is the "Visiting Professor" program, which invites esteemed professors from international universities to engage in various academic activities with students and faculty members.

One such event took place from May 13 to 15, 2024, featuring Prof. Dato' Dr. Mohamad Nasir Saludin from Universiti Geomatika Malaysia. During his three-day visit, Prof. Nasir delivered a series of lectures in collaboration with Yuliansah, M.Pd., a faculty member of the P. ADP study program who teaches the Learning Assessment course.

On the first day, Prof. Nasir presented a lecture titled "Identifying Competency Standards that Align with Learning Instruments." The second day's session focused on the "Development of Test and Non-Test Instruments." The final lecture covered the topic of "Validity & Reliability in Learning Measurement and Techniques for Determining Test Equipment Validity."

Beyond his role as a Professor at Universiti Geomatika Malaysia, Prof. Nasir also serves as the Director of Postgraduate Studies. During his visit, the P. ADP FEB UNY Study Program initiated a partnership with Universiti Geomatika Malaysia. This collaboration encompasses joint research projects, shared publications, and student exchange programs.

The benefits of this program extend beyond enhancing students' educational experience; it also aims to improve the academic writing skills of lecturers and foster international academic collaborations. This partnership is a significant step towards elevating the reputation of Yogyakarta State University on the global stage. (umr-fdhl)

SMKN 2 Cirebon Participated in Accounting Spreadsheet Training at FEB UNY

To support and empower students in the field of accounting, SMKN 2 Cirebon organized an industrial visit and Accounting Spreadsheet training at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNY on Tuesday, May 7th. The event took place at the FEB UNY Auditorium, with opening remarks by Ani Widayati, M.Pd., Ed.D., the Vice Dean for Research, Cooperation, Information Systems, and Business (WD RKSIU) at FEB UNY, along with Endra Murti Sagoro, S.Pd., S.E., M.Sc., the Coordinator of the Accounting Education Undergraduate Study Program, and representatives from SMKN 2 Cirebon. The training continued with hands-on sessions in the FEB UNY Computer Laboratory, held in collaboration with the Accounting Computer Laboratory program.

The Accounting Spreadsheet material was delivered by FEB UNY Accounting Education lecturers, Arief Nurrahman, M.Pd., and Rizqi Ilyasa Aghni, M.Pd. During the training, students not only received comprehensive lessons but also had the opportunity to practice directly on computers and engage in a Q&A session with the instructors.

Following the training, students expressed positive feedback. “The room is comfortable, the training is exceptional, the material is presented in a way that is easy to understand, and the content is engaging,” shared one participant.

Equipping vocational high school students with strong skills is crucial in preparing them for the job market. Proficiency in accounting practices using spreadsheet software is one such valuable skill. This industrial visit and training aim to equip students with practical knowledge that will benefit them in their future careers. (meitadc-fdhl)

FEB UNY Facilitate Students with Special Needs to Participate in UTBK

Thursday (2/5) morning at the IDB Building of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNY, the usual crowd was absent. Instead, the space was dedicated to four prospective blind students participating in the UTBK-SNBT, a special entrance exam for students with disabilities, hosted by UNY. Despite facing challenges, Wahyu Ishlakhuddin Ar Mansyah was determined to pursue higher education through the UTBK pathway. A graduate of MAN 2 Sleman, Wahyu set his sights on the S1 Special Education program at the Faculty of Education and Psychology (FIPP) UNY. Born in Lamongan on March 10, 2005, Wahyu has a vision impairment, but he remains committed to his educational goals. He made extensive preparations for the UTBK, including joining online tutoring sessions.

Another UTBK participant, Oktaviola Maya Tantri Ramadani, also shared her journey. She prepared diligently by studying hard, taking online tutoring, and participating in tryouts. Oktaviola, born on May 7, 2006, attends SMA 1 Sewon, an inclusive school equipped with supporting facilities. Like Wahyu, she chose the Special Education program at FIPP UNY as her study destination.

Dr. Bambang Saptono, Chair of UNY Admissions, highlighted the university’s commitment to supporting UTBK participants with special needs. "This year, we have 4 blind participants and 20 physically disabled participants," he explained. To accommodate these students, UNY has made special arrangements: providing strategic seating for easy access, wheelchairs, and dedicated companions. For visually impaired participants, the test was scheduled on Thursday, May 2, in a separate room with assistance from experienced lecturers of the Special Education program.

Dr. Maimun Sholeh, Location Manager (PJL) of the IDB FEB UNY Laboratory Room, detailed the provisions for the test. "The computers used for UTBK by students with special needs have specialized specifications, including adaptive software and audio support," he noted. "For blind participants, we provide a personal companion for each student, selected from the FIPP UNY Special Education program." These lecturers are skilled in communicating with and supporting individuals with disabilities, ensuring a smooth test process to achieve the best possible outcomes.

UNY’s commitment to inclusive education aligns with Regulation No. 46 of 2017 issued by the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, which guarantees the right of people with disabilities to access higher education. Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Nadiem Anwar Makarim also emphasized that students with disabilities are prioritized for the Smart Indonesia College Card (KIPK). UNY’s approach includes providing necessary support from the admission stage, such as offering companions during entrance exams, to offering learning aids like Braille textbooks, accessible libraries, and facilities designed for easy mobility, including elevators and wheelchair-accessible pathways in multi-storey buildings. (dedy/fdhl)

Abdullah Taman Develop Management Model of PTNBH

Abdullah Taman, a lecturer from the Department of Accounting Education at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Yogyakarta State University (UNY), successfully defended his doctoral dissertation in the Educational Management program at the Faculty of Education and Psychology (FIPP) UNY on Monday, May 6th.

During the open examination session, chaired by Chief Examiner Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes., AIFO, the panel included Dr. Bambang Saptono, M.Sc. (Examiner Secretary), Prof. Dr. Lantip Diat Prasojo, M.Pd. (Promoter 1), Prof. Dr. Lia Yuliana, M.Pd. (Promoter 2), Prof. Dr. Nurtanio Agus Purwanto, M.Pd. (Examiner 2), and Prof. Dr. Tri Joko Raharjo, M.Pd. (Examiner 1 from Semarang State University).

Abdullah Taman, who also serves as the Chair of the Senate of FEB UNY, presented his dissertation titled "Development of the Management Model of State Universities with Legal Entities (MOMEN-PTNBH) at Yogyakarta State University."

PTN-BH refers to state universities established as autonomous public legal entities under government regulations. Through Government Regulation Number 35 of 2022, UNY and several other universities transitioned from State Universities with Public Service Agency status (PTN BLU) to PTN-BH. The PTN-BH Management Model (MOMEN) developed by Abdullah Taman is expected to serve as a benchmark for enhancing the quality and efficiency of management at similar institutions.

The MOMEN-PTNBH model is characterized by three key features:

  • Principled Approach: Developed with a focus on objectivity, effectiveness, and accountability, it aims to comprehensively analyze PTNBH management data.
  • Stakeholder Involvement: It actively engages various stakeholders, including PTNBH universities, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, among others.
  • Innovative Application: The model emphasizes practical and innovative management practices for higher education institutions.

The assessment of Abdullah Taman’s dissertation revealed that MOMEN-PTNBH is highly feasible and practical. Experts rated its feasibility at 4.26, and users gave it a score of 4.28, both in the "very feasible" category. Additionally, the model's practicality received a score of 3.98 from experts and 4.20 from users, indicating strong practical applicability. These results suggest that the management model has the potential for widespread adoption in PTNBH institutions and beyond. (fdhl)

FEB UNY and STIM YKPN Develop Curriculum in Collaboration

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Yogyakarta State University (FEB UNY), and the YKPN School of Management (STIM YKPN) held a signing ceremony to formalize a partnership aimed at strengthening collaboration in education and development.

The ceremony took place in the Dean's Meeting Room of FEB UNY on Friday (19/4), attended by key representatives from both institutions. Present at the event were the Vice Dean for Research, Cooperation, Information Systems, and Business (RKSIU), the Vice Dean for Planning, Finance, General Affairs, and Resources (PKUSD), department heads, coordinators of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, and heads of divisions within FEB UNY. The event was led by the Dean of FEB UNY, alongside the Head of STIM YKPN.

In his welcome remarks, Prof. Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd., Dean of FEB UNY, emphasized the significance of inter-institutional collaboration in enhancing educational quality and organizational growth. He remarked, "We are delighted to collaborate with STIM YKPN. This partnership is a continuation of previous discussions at the faculty level. We have much to learn from the organizational resilience at STIM YKPN. In this era, collaboration is essential. Together, we can engage in activities such as lecturer exchanges and joint publications. Following this agreement, we welcome your visits and further collaboration.”

Dr. Suparmono, Head of STIM YKPN, echoed these sentiments, underscoring the importance of collaboration in the educational sector. He noted, "Every contribution, no matter how small, adds value to this partnership. Additionally, some of our lecturers are pursuing further studies at UNY, which is another step toward deeper collaboration."Dekan FEB UNY (kiri) dan Ketua STIM YKPN

The Deputy Head of Academic Affairs at STIM YKPN added, "We see a great opportunity for joint efforts in curriculum development, and in the near future, we look forward to collaborating on the implementation of the MBKM program for the upcoming semester."

The event concluded with the signing of the cooperation agreement, followed by a group photo session to symbolize the shared commitment of both institutions to achieving their mutual goals.

This partnership is expected to foster positive outcomes for both institutions, enhancing educational quality and advancing human resource development in Indonesia. (fdhl)

FEB UNY Learn International Office Management at Chulalongkorn University

Mohamad Fadhli, staff from the International Affairs and Partnership Unit at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of Yogyakarta State University (UNY), has just returned from a staff mobility program held in Thailand. The staff mobility program coordinated by the UNY International Office lasted three days from February 27 to 29, 2024. The main objective of the program was to provide international experience to UNY staff in supporting the university's efforts towards World Class University status.

Fadhli joined the UNY delegation consisting of nine education personnel from various faculties under the coordination of Isti Yunita, M.Sc., Ph.D., and Dewi Eka Murniati, M.M., Ph.D. During their visit to Thailand, the UNY delegation was well-received at two leading universities, namely Mahidol University and Chulalongkorn University. There, they were involved in diverse activities designed to broaden their insights into the journal management system and university internationalization management. The group also saw varied innovations from the two universities that were utilized for the benefit of students and enjoyed by the community.

One of the highlights of Fadhli's visit was the opportunity to learn about the management of the international affairs office at the Faculty of Engineering Chulalongkorn University. This experience is expected to enrich knowledge about institutional internationalization and support the development of the International Affairs and Partnership Unit at FEB UNY.

Such international activities are real evidence of FEB UNY's commitment to improving academic standards and the internationalization of the university. By involving staff in programs like this, UNY strives to ensure that educational staff have the opportunity to continue to develop and contribute to the university's vision of becoming a world-class education center. (fdhl)

Pelatihan Pengembangan UMKM di Kampung Emas Seyegan Fokus pada Perhitungan HPP dan Pemasaran Digital

Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PkM) dilaksanakan di Pendopo Prawiro Diharjo, Kampung Emas, Seyegan, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Senin (7/10) lalu. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang didanai oleh UNY ini diketuai oleh Dekan Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) UNY yaitu Prof. Siswanto, M.Pd., dengan anggota Dr. Sutirman, M.Pd., Dr. Mustofa, M.Sc., Ani Widayati, M.Pd., Ed.D, Arum Darmawati, M.M., Eka Ary Wibawa, M.Pd., Nenden Susilowati, M.Pd. dan Yuliansah, M.Pd. Acara ini dihadiri oleh 24 peserta yang merupakan pengelola UMKM di Kampung Emas Seyegan, serta Nur Laily Tri Wulansari, M.I.Kom. sebagai pengelola usaha di kawasan tersebut. Kegiatan dibuka oleh Ani Widayati dari tim pengabdi, yang diikuti oleh sambutan dari Nur Laily. Acara utama berupa pelatihan tentang perhitungan Harga Pokok Penjualan (HPP) dan pemasaran digital kemudian dilaksanakan.

Pada sesi pertama, Mustofa memaparkan pentingnya perhitungan HPP sebagai langkah awal dalam menjalankan usaha. Peserta dilatih untuk menghitung modal, HPP, dan menentukan harga jual yang menguntungkan menggunakan smartphone mereka. Materi dilanjutkan dengan sesi kedua yang disampaikan oleh Eka Ary Wibawa mengenai pemasaran digital melalui platform Shopee dan Google Profile Business. Peserta diajarkan cara membuat toko di Shopee serta pentingnya profil bisnis di Google untuk meningkatkan visibilitas usaha. Meskipun peserta menghadapi kendala dalam pengunggahan foto produk, mereka berhasil membuat profil bisnis dengan lancar, dan diharapkan untuk melengkapi profil mereka segera.

Kegiatan pengabdian ini diakhiri dengan evaluasi kepuasan peserta melalui angket yang menunjukkan hasil sangat positif. Hampir seluruh aspek, mulai dari materi pelatihan, narasumber, hingga fasilitas yang disediakan, dinilai sangat baik oleh para peserta. Hal ini menandakan bahwa pelatihan telah berhasil memenuhi harapan peserta dan memberikan manfaat nyata dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan serta keterampilan mereka, terutama dalam perhitungan HPP dan pemasaran digital. Tim pengabdi berharap pelatihan ini dapat berkontribusi terhadap perkembangan UMKM di Kampung Emas Seyegan, sehingga mampu bersaing dan tumbuh di era digital. (yul)


FEB UNY Involved in Vocational Education and Industry Needs Alignment

The Directorate of Partnership and Alignment of Business and Industry (MITRAS DUDI) plays a crucial role in developing programs that align vocational education with industry needs. To implement this mission, the MITRAS DUDI Directorate has partnered with the Directorate of Research and Community Service at Yogyakarta State University (DRPM UNY) to develop an alignment instrument. According to Dr. Sulistio Mukti Cahyono, S.E., M.B.A., Coordinator of MITRAS DUDI Alignment, this initiative is part of an ongoing effort aligned with the roadmap for Vocational Education Alignment. The collaboration with UNY has been active for several years, contributing to these efforts.

Prof. Dr. Samsul Hadi, M.Pd., M.T., Director of DRPM and head of the 2024 Vocational Education Alignment Instrument Preparation Team, emphasized UNY’s commitment to supporting the alignment of vocational education with industry needs (DUDI). He also highlighted that this collaboration helps achieve UNY's Main Performance Indicators (IKU) 3 and IKU 6 through partnerships with government agencies.

Eka Ary Wibawa, M.Pd., Secretary of the Preparation Team, explained that the 2024 instrument development builds on research activities from the previous year. These earlier studies identified six key dimensions crucial for aligning vocational education with industry: curriculum, learning, educators and educational personnel, students, facilities and infrastructure, and partnerships. This alignment framework is applied across three vocational education units: Vocational High Schools (SMK), Universities Implementing Vocational Education Programs (PTPPPV), and Course and Training Institutions (LKP), as well as their partner industries.

Eka Ary further outlined the stages of the alignment instrument development process, which include drafting the instruments and scoring guidelines, validating these instruments, conducting readability tests and limited trials, providing technical guidance for instrument usage, and carrying out large-scale trials. The goal of this process is to ensure that vocational education meets industry needs, fostering stronger alignment between educational institutions and the job market.

The DRPM UNY team working on this initiative includes Prof. Dr. Samsul Hadi (Director of DRPM), Dr. Khusni Syauqi, M.Pd. (FV), Eka Ary Wibawa, M.Pd., and Arum Darmawati, M.M. (FEB). Additionally, postgraduate students Rahmat Darmawan, S.Pd., Yolandaru Septiana, M.Pd., Kartianom, M.Pd., and Andi Harpeni D., M.Pd. are also involved, contributing to the success of the project.

Coaching IISMA 2024: Essay Elaboration with Alumni

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Yogyakarta State University (FEB UNY) held a Coaching Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) event last Friday (16/2), as part of an effort to assist students in preparing themselves to participate in one of these student mobility programs. The event, attended by 25 students, presented two speakers who were alumni of IISMA 2023, Nuricha Fajariyani and Pradipta Aditya Putri from the Bachelor of Management 2020. Nuricha took IISMA at Hanyang University Korea, while Pradipta joined KU Leuven, Belgium. The event was also attended by the Dean, Vice Dean for Research, Cooperation, Information Systems, and Business (RKSIU) FEB UNY, Coordinator of the International Affairs and Partnership Unit Arum Darmawati, M.M., and Coordinator of Public Relations Lina Nur Hidayati, M.M. as well as lecturers from the study programs. In her remarks, the Vice Dean of RKSIU FEB UNY, Ani Widayati, M.Pd., Ed.D., emphasized the importance of understanding regulations and preparing administrative documents for IISMA participants.

Prof. Dr. Siswanto, the Dean of FEB UNY, urged the participants to prepare well. "Respect the culture in the destination country and maintain communication with the supervising lecturer. You will become ambassadors of FEB UNY and Indonesia, so we hope you uphold the culture and values ​​of the country," he said.

"The Student Mobility Program is expected to improve the Main Performance Indicator (IKU) 2, namely 'students have experience outside the campus'. This will impact IKU 8, namely the development of international-based study programs. I would be happy if IISMA participants took the proverb, 'Kill two birds with one stone'. So if there is an international seminar or workshop, you can participate," continued Siswanto.

The main session was hosted by two speakers, alumni of IISMA 2023, who guided how to write essays that can increase the chances of passing the IISMA selection. The purpose of this coaching is for participants to improve the quality of their essays to compete with other applicants. With this IISMA Coaching event, it is hoped that students can be more prepared and confident in facing the selection process and undergoing international study experiences, as well as making positive contributions to their academic and professional development. (isti/fdhl)

FEB Uncen Pelajari FEB UNY Kelola Keuangan dan Administrasi

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) UNY menerima kunjungan FEB Universitas Cenderawasih (Uncen) Selasa (24/9) lalu. Rombongan tamu dipimpin oleh Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik FEB Uncen, Dr. Arius A. Kambu, S.E., M.Si., didampingi para pejabat administratif di FEB Uncen. Rombongan dari Kota Seribu Pinang ini merupakan kunjungan pertama ke FEB UNY. "Kami ingin mengetahui bagaimana FEB UNY melakukan pengelolaan keuangan dan administrasi keseharian lainnya, supaya nantinya yang baik bisa kami terapkan di kampus kami," terang Arius. Pihak tamu diterima oleh Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik dan Alumni FEB UNY, Dr. Sutirman, M.Pd., beserta pejabat dan staf layanan administrasi di FEB UNY baik di bidang akademik, kemahasiswaan, alumni, hingga keuangan.

Sutirman menyambut baik kunjungan ini. "Terima kasih sudah memilih kami sebagai mitra diskusi. Mudah-mudahan hal ini tidak berhenti di sini saja. Kami berharap bisa melakukan kunjungan balasan, dan juga bisa melaksanakan kerjasama lebih lanjut di masa mendatang," urai Sutirman.

Kedua pihak saling berdiskusi terkait pengelolaan ruang, perencanaan anggaran, hingga manajemen pelayanan kemahasiswaan. FEB Uncen juga memiliki sejumah kemitraan dari pihak dalam dan luar negeri guna mendukung dan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan bagi semua kelompok.(fdhl)
