SDGs #17 Kemitraan

FEB UNJ dan FEB UNY Kompak Kembangkan Program Studi Baru

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (FEB UNY) menerima kunjungan benchmarking dari Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Negeri Jakarta (FEB UNJ) pada Rabu, 13 November 2024. Kegiatan ini berlangsung di Auditorium FEB UNY, dihadiri oleh jajaran pimpinan kedua fakultas untuk berbagi praktik terbaik dalam pengelolaan fakultas dan pengembangan akademik.

Rombongan dari FEB UNJ dipimpin langsung oleh Dekan Prof. Usep Suhud, M.Si., Ph.D., yang turut didampingi para wakil dekan dan Ketua Senat Akademik Fakultas. Para tamu disambut oleh Dekan FEB UNY, Dr. Sutirman, M.Pd., bersama para wakil dekan, ketua departemen, koordinator program studi, kepala laboratorium, Kepala Layanan Administrasi (KLA), dan kepala divisi di lingkungan FEB UNY.

Dr. Sutirman dalam sambutannya menyampaikan apresiasi atas kunjungan ini. "Kunjungan ini mungkin jadi balasan dari kunjungan kami ke FEB UNJ sebelumnya. Kami berharap dapat terus belajar dan bertukar ide melalui forum positif seperti ini. FEB UNY terus berkembang, dan memiliki berbagai laboratorium yang dapat digunakan tidak hanya oleh fakultas, tetapi juga oleh masyarakat umum," ujarnya.

Sementara itu, Prof. Usep Suhud memaparkan perkembangan FEB UNJ, yang telah membuka program-program unggulan seperti Magister Manajemen, Magister Akuntansi, dan Magister Pendidikan Ekonomi. Ia juga menjelaskan bahwa FEB UNJ tengah mempersiapkan pembukaan program studi baru, termasuk S3 Ilmu Akuntansi, S1 Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam, serta S1 Ekonomi Digital.

"Kami memiliki beberapa program studi dengan pendekatan digital, seperti S1 Bisnis Digital, S1 Pemasaran Digital, dan S1 Administrasi Perkantoran Digital. Saat ini, enam program studi kami sudah terakreditasi FIBAA, dan kami sedang menyiapkan tim untuk akreditasi AACSB," jelas Prof. Usep.

Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik FEB UNY, Ani Widayati, M.Pd., Ed.D., menambahkan, "Sebagai PTNBH yang baru, FEB UNY terus mengoptimalkan sumber daya serta sarana dan prasarana untuk mendukung income generating."

Kunjungan ini juga ditandai dengan penandatanganan perjanjian kerja sama antara kedua fakultas dalam pelaksanaan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Diskusi antara kedua belah pihak berlangsung dinamis, membahas berbagai hal penting, seperti inovasi kurikulum, peningkatan mutu penelitian, penguatan kerja sama eksternal, dan optimalisasi kelembagaan di era PTNBH.

Melalui kunjungan ini, kedua fakultas berharap dapat mempererat hubungan kerja sama dan saling mendukung dalam pengembangan institusi masing-masing, sekaligus meningkatkan daya saing di tingkat nasional dan internasional. (fdhl)

Prodi Pendidikan Ekonomi FKIP UKSW ke FEB UNY Bahas Pengembangan Kurikulum dan Kewirausahaan

Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW) Salatiga mengadakan kunjungan ke Departemen Pendidikan Ekonomi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY). Acara berlangsung di Ruang Sidang Dekanat FEB UNY, Rabu (6/11).

Rombongan tamu dipimpin oleh Ketua Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi FKIP UKSW, Dwi Iga Luhsasi, S.E., M.Akt., yang hadir bersama empat dosen pendamping dan dua mahasiswa. Dalam sambutannya, Dwi menyampaikan tujuan utama kunjungan ini untuk memperluas wawasan dan mendapatkan masukan konstruktif bagi pengembangan program studi.Dwi Iga Luhsasi

"Kami ingin belajar banyak dari FEB UNY dan prodi kami masih perlu banyak masukan dari berbagai pihak. Semoga hasil diskusi ini bisa menjadi bahan untuk perbaikan bersama," ujar Dwi.

Koordinator Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Ekonomi FEB UNY, Dr. Maimun Sholeh, M.Si., menyambut baik kunjungan ini dan berharap pertemuan tersebut bermanfaat bagi kedua institusi.

"Semoga pertemuan ini membawa manfaat untuk kedua pihak. Saya sendiri asalnya dari daerah yang cukup dekat dengan Salatiga. Teman saya di satu desa juga alumni UKSW. Jadi UKSW bukan kampus yang asing bagi saya," ungkapnya, mencairkan suasana dengan cerita personalnya.

Agenda diskusi fokus pada beberapa topik strategis, di antaranya pengembangan kurikulum, perbandingan mata kuliah, program dan kegiatan koperasi mahasiswa, serta pengembangan kewirausahaan. Diskusi berjalan interaktif dengan saling berbagi pengalaman dan praktik terbaik.

Kegiatan ini juga dihadiri oleh Ketua Departemen Pendidikan Ekonomi FEB UNY, Dr. Aula Ahmad Hafidh Saiful Fikri, M.Si., Sekretaris Departemen Dr. Kiromim Baroroh, Koordinator Program Studi S3 Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Bisnis Prof. Dr. Endang Mulyani, M.Si., serta sejumlah dosen perwakilan di Departemen Pendidikan Ekonomi FEB UNY.

Diharapkan, hasil diskusi ini menjadi inspirasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan ekonomi di kedua institusi, khususnya dalam mendukung mahasiswa menjadi tenaga pendidik yang kompeten dan wirausahawan yang inovatif. (fdhl)

Entrepreneurial Mindset Guna Menjawab Tantangan Era Digital

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) berkolaborasi dengan FEB Universitas Baturaja (Unbara) mengadakan Seminar Kewirausahaan Nasional bertema "Entrepreneurial Mindset: Menghadapi Tantangan di Era Digital." Seminar ini dihadiri oleh lebih dari 150 peserta, terdiri dari mahasiswa, dosen, dan tenaga kependidikan dari kedua kampus.Sambutan WD RKSIU FEB UNY

Dr. Denies Priantinah, M.Si., Ak., CA., Wakil Dekan Bidang Riset, Kerja Sama, Sistem Informasi, dan Usaha (RKSIU) FEB UNY, dalam sambutannya mendorong peserta untuk terus berinovasi dan berkolaborasi dalam menghadapi perkembangan era digital. “Di era seperti sekarang ini, yang terkuat bukanlah yang memiliki banyak uang. Namun, dengan ilmu pengetahuan, kemauan berinovasi, dan kemampuan beradaptasi, kita bisa mengikuti arah perkembangan zaman,” ujarnya.

Dekan FEB Universitas Baturaja, Dr. Mardiah, menambahkan pentingnya tema seminar ini, terutama bagi generasi Z yang menghadapi tantangan masa kini dan mendatang. Ia juga mengajak tenaga kependidikan di kampusnya untuk menambah wawasan dan semangat dalam menuntut ilmu. “Mental dan pola pikir entrepreneur sangat penting bagi generasi saat ini agar mereka peka terhadap tantangan yang ada,” tuturnya.

Narasumber dalam seminar ini adalah Ahmad Chafid Alwi, M.Pd., dosen Pendidikan Ekonomi FEB UNY, dan Megawati Syahril, S.E., M.B.A., CEO dan founder Sagata Sukses Bersama. Ahmad Chafid Alwi membagikan tips untuk memiliki jiwa entrepreneur dengan mengibaratkan peran seorang entrepreneur seperti driver yang mengendalikan arah usahanya sendiri, dibandingkan passenger yang hanya mengikuti tanpa kendali. Ia juga menekankan pentingnya memiliki Growth Mindset untuk selalu berkembang, berbeda dengan Fixed Mindset yang enggan menerima kritik dan perubahan.Penandatanganan Kerja Sama FEB UNY dan FEB Unbara

Megawati Syahril berbagi pengalamannya dalam membangun usaha Sagata Sukses Bersama, yang memberdayakan kaum disabilitas. Ia menceritakan bagaimana awalnya sulit untuk mendekati mereka, yang merasa didekati hanya karena iba. Namun, melalui pendekatan yang tulus dan berkesinambungan, kerja sama yang saling menguntungkan akhirnya tercapai.

Acara ditutup dengan sesi tanya jawab yang berlangsung interaktif. Mahasiswa tampak antusias menyampaikan pandangan mereka tentang karir di masa depan, baik sebagai entrepreneur maupun sebagai profesional. Beberapa mahasiswa bahkan sudah memiliki usaha sendiri. Di akhir acara, dilakukan penandatanganan kerja sama antara FEB UNY dan FEB Universitas Baturaja oleh kedua dekan, sebagai bentuk komitmen kedua pihak untuk mendukung pengembangan kewirausahaan di kalangan mahasiswa. (fdhl)

Tim Dosen FEB UNY Kembangkan Sistem untuk Bantu Kelola Keuangan Masjid

Dosen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PkM) di Yayasan Masjid Agung Gamping, Ambarketawang, Sleman. Kegiatan ini diketuai oleh Dr. Dhyah Setyorini, M.Si., Ak., CA., dengan anggota tim Prof. Sukirno, Ph.D., Diana Rahmawati, M.Si., Mahendra Adhi Nugroho, Ph.D., dan Dian Juliani, M.Sc. Dalam kegiatan ini, tim dosen FEB UNY menggandeng Yayasan Masjid Agung Gamping sebagai mitra dalam rangka membantu memperkuat pengelolaan keuangan masjid yang transparan, akuntabel, dan efisien.

Latar belakang dari program ini adalah pentingnya pengelolaan keuangan masjid yang profesional agar dana yang terkumpul dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dengan baik. Dengan demikian, tim PkM FEB UNY berusaha membantu pihak Yayasan Masjid Agung Gamping melalui pengembangan sebuah sistem yang disebut SIMAG Sakinah (Sistem Informasi Masjid Agung Gamping: Sistem Akuntansi Kas Informatif dan Amanah). Sistem ini diharapkan mampu mengotomatisasi pencatatan penerimaan dan pengeluaran kas secara terkomputerisasi, sehingga memudahkan pengurus dalam memantau dan mencatat setiap transaksi.

Tidak hanya mengembangkan sistem, tim dosen juga memberikan pendampingan dan pelatihan penerapan SIMAG Sakinah bagi para pengurus masjid. Melalui pelatihan ini, para pengurus dibimbing untuk dapat menggunakan aplikasi secara efektif, sehingga meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam pengelolaan keuangan masjid. Pendampingan ini dilakukan secara intensif untuk memastikan bahwa sistem dapat digunakan dengan baik dan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip akuntansi yang diharapkan.

Dampak dari program PkM ini tidak hanya terbatas pada peningkatan keterampilan digital pengurus masjid, tetapi juga diharapkan dapat menciptakan transparansi dan akuntabilitas dalam pengelolaan dana. Dengan adanya SIMAG Sakinah, pengelolaan dana Yayasan Masjid Agung Gamping kini menjadi lebih modern, dan kepercayaan jamaah terhadap pengelolaan dana masjid diharapkan meningkat. (rn/fdhl)

Redefining Economics Education: How FEB UNY and Undiksa Are Shaping the Future of Learning

On Monday (July 22), the Faculty of Economics and Business at Yogyakarta State University (FEB UNY) hosted the Benchmarking and Innovative Learning Model Training event, attended by 78 students from the S1 Economics Education Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Ganesha University of Education (Undiksa). The event commenced with opening remarks from Dr. M. Rudi Irwansyah, S.Pd., M.Pd., Head of the Economics Education Study Program at Undiksa. In his address, he highlighted the importance of expanding students' knowledge and insights. "We are strongly committed to enhancing knowledge that is beneficial. We apologize if we've caused any inconvenience. Hopefully, we can maintain this relationship in the coming years," said Dr. Rudi Irwansyah.

The event also welcomed two accompanying lecturers from FE Undiksa, Dr. Luh Indrayani, M.Pd., and I Putu Arya Dharmayasa, M.Pd., whose presence provided valuable support to the students throughout the training activities.

Dr. Kiromim Baroroh, M.Pd., Secretary of the Department of Economic Education, FEB UNY, extended a warm welcome to the Undiksa group. He expressed his appreciation for their visit and underscored the value of collaboration between educational institutions to advance the quality of education. "This faculty is among the youngest at UNY, yet we are eager to collaborate and share knowledge for mutual progress," stated Dr. Kiromim Baroroh.

During the main session, Dr. Kiromim Baroroh, M.Pd., delivered materials on innovative learning methods applicable to economics education. A key highlight was a session involving interactive games designed to teach concepts like demand and supply, microeconomics, branding, promotion, and entrepreneurship. Students actively engaged in simulations and games, enhancing their understanding of these economic concepts.

This benchmarking and training event aims to provide fresh insights and inspiration to the students of the S1 Economics Education Study Program at FE Undiksa, enabling them to develop more effective and innovative teaching methods. It also serves to strengthen the partnership between Ganesha University of Education and Yogyakarta State University, contributing to the advancement of economic education in Indonesia. The success of this event lays a strong foundation for similar activities in the future, fostering the continuous improvement of education.

International Economic Discussion with Dr. Karthi

The Faculty of Economics and Business at Yogyakarta State University (UNY) recently hosted a special lecture series under the Visiting Professor scheme, featuring Dr. Karthikeyan Parthasarathy from Kongu Engineering College, India. For five days, from May 26 to 30, 2024, Dr. Karthi, as he is affectionately known, engaged the Master of Economics Education class with insightful sessions on international economics, global economic organizations, and current challenges in the field.

Dr. Karthi's lectures were characterized by an interactive and in-depth approach, encouraging students to actively participate in discussions about global economic issues. He guided students in understanding the dynamics of international businesses, including those operating in Indonesia, across Asia, and globally. These discussions helped students gain a deeper comprehension of the challenges and opportunities companies face within the international economic landscape.

Beyond theoretical insights, Dr. Karthi challenged students to think critically and analyze contemporary economic issues. In one session, students were tasked with assessing the impact of international economic policies on businesses in Indonesia and the wider Asian region. This exercise aimed to sharpen their analytical skills and broaden their global perspectives—essential competencies in today's interconnected world.

The Visiting Professor program received enthusiastic feedback from both students and faculty at the Faculty of Economics and Business, UNY. The Dean of FEB UNY, Prof. Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd., expressed hope that such initiatives would continue, enriching students' academic and professional horizons. This aligns with FEB UNY's commitment to providing high-quality education and strengthening partnerships with international institutions. (fdhl)

Ruzita Jusoh Guides Students in Understanding Private and Public Sector Budgeting

As part of the UNY Equity program, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNY hosted a visiting professor event, featuring Prof. Ruzita Binti Jusoh from Universiti Malaya. The event took place from Monday to Wednesday, May 20-22, 2024, as part of the Business Budgeting course. Held on the 2nd floor of the Masters and Doctoral Lecture Hall (PMD) at FEB UNY, the program aimed to provide students with in-depth knowledge and practical insights into business budgeting and corporate work practices. This event specifically targeted students from the 4th semester of the Accounting Study Program at FEB UNY.Ruzita Jusoh

The public lecture welcomed both undergraduate and graduate students from the Accounting program, offering them the opportunity to engage in discussions with Prof. Ruzita on the complexities of budgeting within the public sector. Through these discussions, students gained a deeper understanding of the challenges involved in creating budgets for public sector projects.

Prof. Ruzita's presentation also covered the concept of capital budgeting, an essential tool for making long-term investment decisions in projects and programs. Capital budgeting helps to prioritize projects over multiple years by following six key stages: identification, exploration, information gathering and acquisition, selection, financial analysis, and implementation and control. (fitria)

Developing Curriculum and New Study Programs, FEB UNY Visit Telkom University and UPI Bandung

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at Yogyakarta State University (UNY) conducted a benchmarking visit to Telkom University and the Indonesian Education University (UPI) in Bandung on Thursday, May 16th. The purpose of this visit was to gain valuable insights and knowledge in curriculum development and to prepare for the launch of new study programs at FEB UNY.

During the first visit to Telkom University, the FEB UNY delegation—comprising 14 members, including the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, the Vice Dean for General Financial Planning and Resources, task force members, and public relations staff—was warmly welcomed in the Manterawu Meeting Room of Telkom University's Faculty of Communication and Business. They were greeted by Dr. Freddy Yusanto, Vice Dean I of the Faculty of Communication and Business, Dr. Ahmad Yunani, Head of the Business Administration Study Program, and other faculty members.

In his welcome speech, Dr. Freddy highlighted Telkom University's implementation of an Outcome-Based Education (OBE) curriculum, where assessments are based on the attainment of desired Course Learning Outcomes (CLO). He explained that Telkom University's academic management system, Igrasias, is aligned with OBE principles, facilitating automated evaluations and an integrated assessment process. Notably, Telkom University replaces traditional mid-term and final exams with a continuous assessment system.

Dr. Freddy also shared plans to transition the Business Administration Study Program from the Faculty of Communication and Business to the Faculty of Economics and Business at Telkom University in the coming year.

Dr. Sutirman, M.Pd., Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of FEB UNY, expressed his appreciation for the warm reception and emphasized the desire to learn from Telkom University's experience. He sought insights on various aspects, including the vision, mission, and objectives of study programs, student learning outcomes, curriculum structure, management, learning facilities, development strategies, graduate employability, and quality assurance processes.

Following the visit to Telkom University, the FEB UNY delegation proceeded to the Faculty of Economics and Business Education at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (FPEB UPI) in Bandung. They were welcomed by Dr. Toni Heryana, Vice Dean for Resources and Finance, the Head of the Undergraduate Study Program in Business Education, and other lecturers and staff from relevant study programs at FPEB UPI. This visit provided a platform for exchanging knowledge and experiences between the two institutions.

At UPI Bandung, discussions centered on the development of new study programs and strategies for enhancing educational quality. The Vice Dean for Academic, Student, and Alumni Affairs of FEB UNY expressed an interest in integrating Business Education into the Management Study Program, while FPEB UPI shared their plans to establish new master's and doctoral study programs, as well as achievements in program accreditation.

This exchange of ideas and presentations of visions and missions created a significant opportunity for strengthening inter-university collaboration. It is hoped that these discussions will positively contribute to the development of FEB UNY's curriculum and study program management, ultimately enriching Indonesia's higher education landscape. (isti/lina)

Improving Academic Quality, Administration Education Department Initiate Collaboration with UGM Malaysia

To achieve its vision of becoming a leading study program that produces highly competitive graduates at both national and international levels, the Office Administration Education Study Program (P. ADP) at UNY consistently strives to enhance its academic quality and services. A key initiative in this effort is the "Visiting Professor" program, which invites esteemed professors from international universities to engage in various academic activities with students and faculty members.

One such event took place from May 13 to 15, 2024, featuring Prof. Dato' Dr. Mohamad Nasir Saludin from Universiti Geomatika Malaysia. During his three-day visit, Prof. Nasir delivered a series of lectures in collaboration with Yuliansah, M.Pd., a faculty member of the P. ADP study program who teaches the Learning Assessment course.

On the first day, Prof. Nasir presented a lecture titled "Identifying Competency Standards that Align with Learning Instruments." The second day's session focused on the "Development of Test and Non-Test Instruments." The final lecture covered the topic of "Validity & Reliability in Learning Measurement and Techniques for Determining Test Equipment Validity."

Beyond his role as a Professor at Universiti Geomatika Malaysia, Prof. Nasir also serves as the Director of Postgraduate Studies. During his visit, the P. ADP FEB UNY Study Program initiated a partnership with Universiti Geomatika Malaysia. This collaboration encompasses joint research projects, shared publications, and student exchange programs.

The benefits of this program extend beyond enhancing students' educational experience; it also aims to improve the academic writing skills of lecturers and foster international academic collaborations. This partnership is a significant step towards elevating the reputation of Yogyakarta State University on the global stage. (umr-fdhl)

FEB UNY and STIM YKPN Develop Curriculum in Collaboration

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Yogyakarta State University (FEB UNY), and the YKPN School of Management (STIM YKPN) held a signing ceremony to formalize a partnership aimed at strengthening collaboration in education and development.

The ceremony took place in the Dean's Meeting Room of FEB UNY on Friday (19/4), attended by key representatives from both institutions. Present at the event were the Vice Dean for Research, Cooperation, Information Systems, and Business (RKSIU), the Vice Dean for Planning, Finance, General Affairs, and Resources (PKUSD), department heads, coordinators of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, and heads of divisions within FEB UNY. The event was led by the Dean of FEB UNY, alongside the Head of STIM YKPN.

In his welcome remarks, Prof. Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd., Dean of FEB UNY, emphasized the significance of inter-institutional collaboration in enhancing educational quality and organizational growth. He remarked, "We are delighted to collaborate with STIM YKPN. This partnership is a continuation of previous discussions at the faculty level. We have much to learn from the organizational resilience at STIM YKPN. In this era, collaboration is essential. Together, we can engage in activities such as lecturer exchanges and joint publications. Following this agreement, we welcome your visits and further collaboration.”

Dr. Suparmono, Head of STIM YKPN, echoed these sentiments, underscoring the importance of collaboration in the educational sector. He noted, "Every contribution, no matter how small, adds value to this partnership. Additionally, some of our lecturers are pursuing further studies at UNY, which is another step toward deeper collaboration."Dekan FEB UNY (kiri) dan Ketua STIM YKPN

The Deputy Head of Academic Affairs at STIM YKPN added, "We see a great opportunity for joint efforts in curriculum development, and in the near future, we look forward to collaborating on the implementation of the MBKM program for the upcoming semester."

The event concluded with the signing of the cooperation agreement, followed by a group photo session to symbolize the shared commitment of both institutions to achieving their mutual goals.

This partnership is expected to foster positive outcomes for both institutions, enhancing educational quality and advancing human resource development in Indonesia. (fdhl)
