Breaking Barriers in Learning: How a New Tool is Transforming Accounting Education for Vocational Students

Dian Normalitasari Purnama, M.Pd., a lecturer in the Department of Accounting Education at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Yogyakarta State University (FEB UNY), successfully defended her dissertation on Tuesday, July 23, during an open examination for the doctoral program in the Educational Research and Evaluation Study Program at the Postgraduate School (SPs) UNY. The examination took place in the Examination Room on the third floor of the Sugeng Mardiyono Building, SPs UNY, and was led by Chief Examiner Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo, M.Kes., AIFO. The board of examiners included Dr. Ir. Priyanto, M.Kom. (Examiner Secretary), Prof. Dr. Samsul Hadi, M.Pd., M.T. (Promoter), Prof. Sukirno, S.Pd., M.Si., Ph.D. (Co-promoter), Prof. Dr. H. Nugraha, SE., Ak., M.Si., CA., CPA., CFP (Main Examiner 1), and Prof. Dr. Endang Mulyani, M.Sc. (Main Examiner 2).

Dian earned her doctoral degree with distinction, achieving a GPA of 3.86. In recognition of her accomplishments, she has been appointed as the Ambassador of the Graduate School, tasked with enhancing the science and reputation of the UNY Graduate School.

Her dissertation, titled "Development of Computer-Based Testlet Instruments to Detect Basic Accounting Learning Difficulties in Vocational High School Students," introduces an innovative tool designed to identify learning challenges in accounting among vocational high school students. This instrument aids accounting teachers in implementing the independent curriculum, which necessitates diagnostic assessments to better understand student difficulties.

By employing a computer-based testlet instrument, teachers can identify specific learning difficulties among students, which can then inform improvements in the learning process. The instrument has undergone testing and has demonstrated high quality based on qualitative reviews, content validity, construct validity, question characteristics, and practical implementation. The study's findings suggest that this computer-based testlet instrument is suitable for use in diagnostic assessments to support the independent curriculum.

The Dean of FEB UNY, Prof. Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd., also attended the doctoral promotion hearing. In his remarks, he expressed his hopes for Dian, stating, "I hope Dr. Dian Normalitasari Purnama can apply her knowledge to advance the world of education and her institution." This achievement not only brings pride to Dr. Dian but also to UNY, which remains committed to enhancing the quality of education and research.


Empowering the Next Generation: Unlocking Cybersecurity Awareness at SMK Insan Cendekia Yogyakarta

In today’s rapidly evolving landscape of information and communication technology, digital literacy and cybersecurity have emerged as critical concerns. To address these challenges, a team of lecturers from the Department of Administrative Education at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Yogyakarta State University (FEB UNY), organized a socialization activity themed “Increasing Cybersecurity Awareness Among Students of SMK Insan Cendekia Yogyakarta.” This event took place on June 12-13, 2024, under the leadership of Yuliansah, M.Pd., with contributions from Dr. Sutirman, M.Pd., Ilham Ramadan Pandu Setia Negara Siregar, M.A.B., Muslikhah Dwihartanti, M.Pd., and Dr. Kustitik, M.Pd. The primary goal of this initiative was to elevate students' awareness regarding the significance of cybersecurity and to promote the safe and responsible use of technology.

Over the course of two days, 35 students from SMK Insan Cendekia Yogyakarta engaged in interactive sessions designed to enhance their understanding of cybersecurity. On the first day, speaker Arwan Nur Ramadhan, M.Pd., highlighted the critical role of cybersecurity for vocational high school students. His presentation covered various risks associated with internet use, including malware, phishing, and potential data breaches.

On the second day, Ilham Ramadan Pandu Setia Negara Siregar, M.A.B., facilitated an in-depth discussion on digital literacy and archive management. He underscored the necessity of digital literacy in safeguarding personal information and ensuring data security in an ever-changing digital landscape.

The event concluded on June 13, 2024, with a symbolic certificate presentation, recognizing the students’ active participation and commitment to enhancing their cybersecurity awareness. This gesture was intended to inspire students at SMK Insan Cendekia Yogyakarta to use information and communication technology more wisely and to equip them better for future cybersecurity challenges. (yl/is)

Empowering Communities: UNY’s Initiative Transforms Waste Management in Kepatihan Village

The Community Service (PkM) Team from Yogyakarta State University (UNY) conducted an evaluation and brainstorming session on the sustainability of waste management initiatives for the Dasawisma Women's Group in Kepatihan Village, Tamanmartani. This event was held on Sunday, June 30th, at Bale Kawruh in Kepatihan, Tamanmartani, Kalasan District, Sleman Regency, D.I. Yogyakarta. It marked the third of four planned activities by the PkM Team. The initial session took place on June 7, focusing on motivation and brainstorming around waste management, while the second session, on June 21, involved a benchmarking visit to the Berkah Alam Waste Bank in Ponggok, Klaten.

The PkM Team comprises Prof. Dr. Sri Handayani, M.Sc. (Lecturer at FMIPA), Arum Darmawati, M.M. (Lecturer at FEB), and Dr. Lismadiana (Lecturer at FIKK), supported by five students: Satrio Dwi Kuncoro and Helena Christia Deshediany from the Management Study Program, and Dayu Arinda, Muchammad Ikmal Abdillah, and Oktavia Pratiwi from the Chemistry Study Program. In her opening remarks, Prof. Dr. Sri Handayani, the Head of the PkM Team, expressed her gratitude for the participants' support and enthusiasm throughout the program. Alongside Dr. Gunawan, M.Hum, the Head of RW, they conducted an evaluation of previous activities and discussed plans for the program’s next steps.

During this event, information about the upcoming Waste Management Competition in Kepatihan Village was also shared. This competition, the final activity in the PkM series, will run from July 1 to July 21, 2024, with assessments scheduled for July 19 to 21, 2024. The jury will include Agus Hartono, S.S. from the Institute for Independent Study and Management (Lestari), Dr. Gunawan, M.Hum, and the UNY PkM Team. The evaluation criteria for the competition cover factors such as house/yard area, waste reduction efforts, availability of waste sorting facilities, presence of processing infrastructure, and the waste processing methods used.

Agus Hartono, S.S. led a Follow-up Plan session, dividing participants and students into two groups. Each group was tasked with presenting their plans for ongoing waste management activities and the establishment of a Waste Bank in Kepatihan. This included identifying necessary facilities, setting target timelines, and assigning responsibilities for each activity. The groups then presented their Follow-up Plans, ensuring that all participants shared a common understanding of the requirements for managing and preparing the Waste Bank.

The event concluded with a discussion and Q&A session, allowing participants to share their feedback and suggestions for enhancing the waste management program. It is hoped that this initiative will empower the residents of Kepatihan Village, Tamanmartani to take a more active role in waste management and environmental stewardship. (Ar/Is)

Redefining Economics Education: How FEB UNY and Undiksa Are Shaping the Future of Learning

On Monday (July 22), the Faculty of Economics and Business at Yogyakarta State University (FEB UNY) hosted the Benchmarking and Innovative Learning Model Training event, attended by 78 students from the S1 Economics Education Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Ganesha University of Education (Undiksa). The event commenced with opening remarks from Dr. M. Rudi Irwansyah, S.Pd., M.Pd., Head of the Economics Education Study Program at Undiksa. In his address, he highlighted the importance of expanding students' knowledge and insights. "We are strongly committed to enhancing knowledge that is beneficial. We apologize if we've caused any inconvenience. Hopefully, we can maintain this relationship in the coming years," said Dr. Rudi Irwansyah.

The event also welcomed two accompanying lecturers from FE Undiksa, Dr. Luh Indrayani, M.Pd., and I Putu Arya Dharmayasa, M.Pd., whose presence provided valuable support to the students throughout the training activities.

Dr. Kiromim Baroroh, M.Pd., Secretary of the Department of Economic Education, FEB UNY, extended a warm welcome to the Undiksa group. He expressed his appreciation for their visit and underscored the value of collaboration between educational institutions to advance the quality of education. "This faculty is among the youngest at UNY, yet we are eager to collaborate and share knowledge for mutual progress," stated Dr. Kiromim Baroroh.

During the main session, Dr. Kiromim Baroroh, M.Pd., delivered materials on innovative learning methods applicable to economics education. A key highlight was a session involving interactive games designed to teach concepts like demand and supply, microeconomics, branding, promotion, and entrepreneurship. Students actively engaged in simulations and games, enhancing their understanding of these economic concepts.

This benchmarking and training event aims to provide fresh insights and inspiration to the students of the S1 Economics Education Study Program at FE Undiksa, enabling them to develop more effective and innovative teaching methods. It also serves to strengthen the partnership between Ganesha University of Education and Yogyakarta State University, contributing to the advancement of economic education in Indonesia. The success of this event lays a strong foundation for similar activities in the future, fostering the continuous improvement of education.

From Farm to Lip Balm: How UNY Students Turned PE Goat Milk into a Skincare Success

Livestock farming is a popular livelihood among many Indonesians, with goats being a particularly promising option. Despite the challenges, such as a complex breeding process and odors that some people find unpleasant, raising goats offers significant potential as a primary and secondary source of income. In times of urgent financial need, goat farmers can quickly liquidate their livestock, making it a valuable form of "living savings."

One breed well-suited for farming is the Peranakan Etawa (PE) goat. The PE goat is a cross between Indian goats and local kacang goats, known for its dual-purpose qualities. It produces milk rich in anti-inflammatory properties, offering health benefits for consumers. PE goat milk has been used in various products, such as soaps and face masks. Inspired by this, the Student Creativity Program (PKM) team from UNY's Entrepreneurship division developed a unique lip balm product, named Goat Gleam Balm, made from PE goat milk.

Zulinda Ayu Andira, the leader of the Goat Gleam PKM-K Team, explained, "Our innovative product is designed for teenagers and the elderly who experience dry and chapped lips. The pink hue of the balm provides a psychological sense of softness and a pleasant fragrance, enhancing the experience for our users."

The Student Creativity Program (PKM) offers funding across eight fields, including entrepreneurship, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration. Ramadhan Nurul Fauzi, a member of the PKM-K team and a 2022 student of the Accounting Education S1 program, shared his role: "Given that our PKM team focuses on entrepreneurship, which aligns with financial management, I handle the inflow and outflow of money from our product sales. Additionally, I manage the economic calculations, such as cost of goods sold (HPP), income, profit and loss, and more."

This year marks Ramadhan's first time receiving PKM funding, after an earlier attempt in 2023. Initially, he joined two entrepreneurial teams, but with the updated PKM regulations allowing students to participate in only one proposal, he chose to concentrate on developing the Goat Gleam proposal.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, through the Directorate General of Belmawa, runs the PKM program as a platform for students to bring their ideas to life over a four-month period. You can follow the activities of the PKM-K Goat Gleam Team on TikTok and Instagram at The product is also available for purchase through or Shopee at (rmdhn/fdhl)


FEB UNY Teams Shine at 2024 National Student Competition, Winning Top Honors in Business, Management, and Finance

Two of the three teams from FEB UNY earned outstanding achievements at the prestigious 2024 National Student Competition in Business, Management, and Finance (KBMK), held by the Indonesian Talent Development Center (BPTI), a unit under Puspresnas, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. The event took place at Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) on Saturday, June 29.

The Hamasah Team, led by Annisa Kusumawati (S1 Accounting 2022) with team member Dzaki Rambe (S1 Economic Education 2022), and guided by lecturer Ilham Ramadhan Pandu Setia Negara Siregar, S.A.B., M.A.B., won the prestigious Best National 2 award in the Scientific Paper Writing category.

Meanwhile, the Prawira Team secured the National Best 3 position in the Investigative Audit Finance category. This team was led by Adistya Putra Wiratama (S1 Accounting 2022) with team members Fadhilla Purnama Putri (S1 Accounting 2021) and Maulia Putri Ramadani (S1 Accounting 2021), under the supervision of R. Andro Zylio Nugraha, M.Acc.

Another FEB UNY team, led by Marlita Wulansari (S1 Economic Education 2022) with members Anisa Rahmawati and Annisa Salsabila Puspita (both from S1 Economic Education 2022), reached the semi-final stage in the Commercialization of Research and Appropriate Technology category. (fdhl)

Dhyah Setyorini Earns Doctoral Degree by Investigating SPI Effectiveness in Indonesian State Universities

Dhyah Setyorini, M.Sc., Ak., a lecturer in the Department of Accounting Education at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Yogyakarta State University (FEB UNY), has successfully earned her doctoral degree. She defended her dissertation titled "Determinants of the Effectiveness of SPI (Internal Supervisory Unit): Empirical Study in Universities in Indonesia." The defense was conducted before a board of examiners from Sebelas Maret University, earning her a Doctorate in Economics with a specialization in Accounting.

The examination team included Prof. Drs. Djoko Suhardjanto, M.Com. (Hons), Ph.D., Ak.; Dr. Setianingtyas Honggowati, M.M., Ak.; Dr. Wahju Widarjo, M.Sc., Ak.; and Prof. Dr. Abdul Halim, M.B.A., Ak., CA. Her dissertation was guided by a Promoter Commission comprising Prof. Dr. Rahmawati, M.Sc., Ak., CA as the Promoter, and Dr. Sri Hartoko, M.B.A., Ak., CA., along with Dr. Payamta, M.Sc., Ak., CPA as Co-Promoters.

Dhyah's research offers empirical insights into the factors influencing the effectiveness of SPI across state universities in Indonesia. Using data from 76 state universities and 174 respondents, she employed a simple random sampling technique. The data analysis was conducted using structural equation modeling with a partial least squares (PLS) approach. Her findings reveal that management support and SPI's involvement in risk management have a significant positive impact on SPI effectiveness, whereas transformational leadership does not show a significant positive effect.

These results shed light on key factors impacting SPI effectiveness within Indonesian state universities. Dhyah suggests that future research could benefit from incorporating in-depth interviews with respondents for a more comprehensive understanding and considering mixed-method approaches. She also emphasizes the importance of triangulating SPI performance data from the SPI’s perspective to provide a well-rounded view of SPI effectiveness. (fdhl)

AI-Powered Greenwashing Detection: FEB and FT UNY Lecturers Win Bank Indonesia Research Grant

A team of lecturers from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and the Faculty of Engineering (FT) at Yogyakarta State University (UNY) has won the 2024 Bank Indonesia Research Grant. The team developed an innovative greenwashing detection system using artificial intelligence (AI). Led by Dr. Ratna Candra Sari, S.E., M.Sc., CA., CFP., IFP., CSRS. (FEB UNY), the team includes Annisa Ratna Sari, S.Pd., M.S.ED. (FEB UNY), and Dr. phil. Nurhening Yuniarti, S.Pd., M.T. (FT UNY). Their research proposal stood out among 34 finalists in the 2024 Bank Indonesia Research Grant (RGBI), securing the grant after a rigorous selection process.

RGBI is a research grant program from Bank Indonesia, aimed at supporting strategic and pioneering research. It focuses on projects conducted by external researchers that align with topics identified as priorities by Bank Indonesia.

The team's research centers on "Artificial Intelligence to Detect Greenwashing in Increasing Green Financial Inclusion." Dr. Ratna Candra Sari explains, “Greenwashing is when companies misrepresent their environmental or social efforts, often highlighting positive actions without disclosing negative impacts.” This creates a disconnect between what companies claim regarding their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices and their actual performance—a critical issue in today’s sustainability-focused era. To address this, the team is developing an AI-based algorithm capable of identifying signs of greenwashing in corporate sustainability reports.

Their research aims to contribute significantly to promoting sustainable business practices in Indonesia. Beyond this, the achievement of these lecturers underscores UNY's dedication to advancing research that aligns with societal and environmental needs.

Bank Indonesia’s research grant is part of the institution's commitment to fostering innovation with the potential to drive sustainable development. With such support, the hope is to develop more innovative solutions to meet the environmental challenges of our time. (Astri)

FEB UNY's 13th Anniversary: Optimizing Economic Resources for the Future

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at Yogyakarta State University (UNY) celebrated its 13th anniversary on Saturday, June 22. The event, held in the Theater Room of the Masters and Doctoral Lecture Building (PMD), embraced the theme, "Optimizing Economic Resources to Realize UNY as a Glorious and Prosperous PTNBH." This theme highlights the critical role of FEB in advancing UNY's vision as a State University with Legal Entity (PTN-BH), striving for excellence, creativity, and sustainable innovation.

The celebration was attended by UNY's Chancellor, members of the FEB Academic Senate, vice chancellors, deans, the Postgraduate Director, UNY directorate directors, vice deans at FEB, partners, lecturers, education staff, members of Dharma Wanita Persatuan, and student representatives. A notable moment in the event was a scientific lecture delivered by Prof. Dr. Amir Mahmud, S.Pd., M.Pd., Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Semarang State University.

Prof. Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd., Dean of FEB UNY, reaffirmed the faculty's commitment to actively contribute to national development, particularly in the field of comprehensive and balanced economic and business education. "We hope that FEB UNY will continue to be a higher education institution that provides significant benefits, supporting UNY’s ambition to become a leading educational university," he stated.

The theme, "Optimizing Economic Resources to Realize UNY PTNBH Jaya and Sejahtera," aims to inspire the entire FEB community to elevate the quality of education and research. With this theme, FEB UNY commits to producing graduates who are resilient, competent, and ready to make an impact both nationally and globally.

One of FEB UNY’s strategic initiatives is enhancing the management of study programs. This includes encouraging each program to achieve national and international accreditation. "We are working diligently to ensure our study programs are recognized globally, equipping our graduates to compete on the international stage," emphasized the Dean.

Beyond improving existing study programs, FEB UNY is also exploring the introduction of new ones to better align with industry needs. The proposed programs include Bachelor's degrees in Business Administration, Business Education, and Islamic Economics and Finance. "We believe these new programs will further strengthen FEB UNY's contribution to developing Indonesia's human resources," added Prof. Siswanto.

The anniversary celebration featured various activities, such as sports competitions, visits to retirees, health checks, and a formal ceremony attended by lecturers, staff, and students. The event served not only as a celebration but also as an opportunity for reflection and strategic planning. With the spirit of its 13th anniversary, FEB UNY aims to continue innovating and making a meaningful impact on economic and business education in Indonesia, while also contributing positively to society and national development.

In his address, UNY Rector Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes. AIFO, emphasized that the slogan "jayalembaganya" (glorious institution) should resonate both internally and externally. He encouraged collaboration among partners, alumni, and other stakeholders. "When 'jeneng' (reputation) rises, 'jenang' (prosperity) will follow. High performance leads to increased welfare and achievement," he remarked, acknowledging FEB’s successes, such as expanding opportunities for further studies among lecturers and staff, advancing functional positions, and optimizing the Theater Building for revenue generation.

During his scientific oration, Prof. Amir Mahmud highlighted the importance of optimizing university resources, which requires the active participation of all academic community members, including leaders, lecturers, and staff. "University leaders at all levels must provide full support and develop entrepreneurial skills to create solutions and innovations with economic value. Resource optimization can be achieved through institutional collaboration, diversification of academic services, asset optimization, and the development of business units," he explained. (Ln/Fd/Is)


Reflecting on FEB UNY's 13th Anniversary: Anticipating AI's Impact

On Thursday, June 20th, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Yogyakarta State University (FEB UNY), hosted a Reflection event to mark its 13th Anniversary. The event was held in the Theater Room of the Masters and Doctoral Program (PMD) Building, FEB UNY, and gathered around 150 participants, including the Dean of FEB, the former Dean of FISE (2006-2011), Vice Deans, lecturers, and educational staff, both active and retired. The event featured a keynote reflection by Prof. Suyanto, Ph.D., Chairperson of the UNY Board of Trustees (MWA).

In his opening remarks, the Dean of FEB UNY, Prof. Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd., shared his joy at witnessing the reunion between junior and senior lecturers. "It's heartwarming to see young lecturers reconnecting with their seniors, showing respect, and sharing stories. This Theater Room, created by UNY alumni through PT IKA Usaha Ngesti Yogatama, can now serve both the university and the broader community," he expressed.

Prof. Dr. Siswanto also highlighted FEB UNY's academic advancements, including the successful launch of three new study programs—Master’s in Accounting, Master’s in Management, and Doctoral in Economics and Business Education—that have welcomed students over the past year. Additionally, FEB UNY is preparing to introduce three more programs covering educational and non-educational fields: Business Education, Business Administration, and Islamic Economics. "This reflection event allows us to look back on our journey and evaluate our achievements over the past year," he added.

Prof. Suyanto, Ph.D., in his reflection, encouraged attendees to engage in deep introspection. "Is our excellence genuine? Do others perceive us as truly great? Reflective thinking is crucial. We must constantly challenge ourselves with these questions. The future is uncertain, with new jobs emerging and artificial intelligence (AI) becoming more advanced than ever," he remarked.

He shared insights from his visit to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1979. "I came across an article in a bookstore that said, ‘computers are human partners in decision-making.’ Today, AI uses complex algorithms and vast data to continuously learn and adapt. It’s clear that students are now integrating AI into their academic activities," he shared.

According to Prof. Suyanto, the evolving nature of AI necessitates a shift in teaching methods. "AI's impact is widespread, even challenging our understanding of intellectual property. FEB must remain vigilant and adaptive. I've advised the Rector to explore AI in-depth with experts across Indonesia. For our institution's future, we must adopt a mindset focused on 'growth'," he concluded.

This reflection event served as a meaningful opportunity for the FEB UNY academic community to contemplate their progress, celebrate their achievements, and prepare for the challenges ahead. (Fdhl/Is)
